Exponent version history

For details on updating the XTPlus firmware, refer to the “Updating the TAPlus Firmware.doc” document located in the Utilities directory on your Exponent CD.

The numbers below are the major and minor version numbers, build number and issue number. So 2,0,1,0 is version 2.0 build 1 issue 0. All release versions for build 1 and later are issue 0 so anything higher in the last group of digits is a test / special version.

Windows Platform Support

Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4 and 2000 are no longer supported by Exponent.

The last version that runs on 95 and NT4 is

The last version that runs on 98 and Me is

The last version that runs on 2000 is 5,1,2,0.

Therefore the currently supported platforms for version 6,0,0,0 onwards are: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. 32 and 64 bit systems are supported for all these platforms.

Error in Egg Testing Haugh Unit Calculation

It has come to our attention that the Haugh Unit calculation in Exponent/Exponent Lite software (versions and lower) has an error in the location of a bracket within the formula. This is due to how formulas are translated into computer instructions.


HU = 100log(h-(1.7w)0.37+7.6)


HU = 100log(h-1.7w0.37+7.6)

We have made the appropriate correction for all future software versions (including Connect software) and can advise the following:

The grading of eggs may be affected. Changes will be most noticeable for those eggs that have a thin albumen (below 4mm) and coupled with a higher weight (e.g. 75g). For the majority of egg weights and albumen heights (that would have resulted in a high Haugh Unit) the egg grading will be unchanged.

6,2,5,0 (11th July 2024)

• Added retry loop to locked files to prevent user list becoming empty.

6,2,4,0 (19th December 2023)

• Updated sample files.

• Updated support links to point to new website layout.

• Fixed recursion if value is out of range when axis value changed via right click window.

• Fix up Macros that have invalid relative and invert options for Time.

6,2,2,0 (7th September 2023)

• Fixed issue where the Adjust Fail Flag and Critical options were swapped in the Macro - Calibrate Height command.

6,2,1,0 (27th July 2023)

• Fixed issue with using the serial port on a Windows 11.

• Fixed Video Plugin for Windows 11.

• Built with new MFC runtimes to include the latest security patches, so no longer compatible with XP as it is end-of-life with Microsoft.

6,1,27,0 (19th April 2023)

• Added support for latest Connect Project files. (TE32 01524)

• Fixed issue where some files failed to load showing Invalid Schema error message. (TE32 01523)

6,1,26,0 (9th November 2022)

• Fix 3 for a random error message "Invalid Schema" when loading graphs. (TE32 01522)

6,1,24,0 (4th October 2022)

• Fix 2 for a random error message "Invalid Schema" when loading graphs. (TE32 01521)

6,1,23,0 (23rd June 2022)

• Fixed a random error message "Invalid Schema" when loading graphs. (TE32 01521)

6,1,22,0 (3rd May 2022)

• Fixed an issue loading some projects that were saved in version 6,1,19,0. (TE32 01520)

6,1,21,0 (7th February 2022)

• New Application Guide.

• Updated sample files.

6,1,20,0 (14th October 2021)

• Fix issue with opening Project files.

6,1,19,0 (14th October 2021)

• Fix issue with Cross Correlation calculations only populating first row of the results file. (TE32 01519)

6,1,18,0 (4th March 2021)

• New help and sample files.

6,1,17,0 (19th October 2020)

• Fixed an issue where the results file column units were not updated correctly. (TE32 01508)

• Fixed an issue with selecting PPS values that have a decimal place when the , is used for the decimal point. (TE32 01513)

• Fixed an issue with Fit Distance result in the results file changing if the value is recalculated. (TE32 01514)

• Fixed an issue with the Maxima and Minima not showing in the results file until you activate the window. (TE32 01515)

• Allowed a number as the first character of a user name. (TE32 01517)

• Fixed an issue where the wrong probe name could sometimes be shown in the file information tab of a graph. (TE32 01518)

6,1,16,0 (14th August 2018)

• When Find Next Number is enable for the Auto Save option, the Test History File ID is now updated correctly. (TE32 01498)

• It is no longer possible to delete columns from the results file when the menu item has been disable in the security options. (TE32 01499)

• When creating results into a new spreadsheet the column sizes are now adjusted to allow the titles to fit. (TE32 01500)

• Fixed crash when reloading a sequence that has been modified outside of Exponent. (TE32 01501)

• The macro window now prompts to be reloaded when it gets the focus if it has been modified outside of Exponent. (TE32 01502)

• Fixed problem where deleting spreadsheet rows removed the End of Test Data row which made the spreadsheet unusable. (TE32 01503)

• Now works better with Windows High Contrast mode. (TE32 01504)

• Updated loading routines to load Connect files although not all the new features are supported. (TE32 01505)

• Fixed issue where ARC file was sometimes only saved once after a test even though the Quick Calculations had analysed the data. (TE32 01506)

• Fixed crash when running a macro that contained the use of a BASIC RawData object. (TE32 01507)

6,1,15,0 (21st February 2018)

• Illegal characters in a Security Policy name are now blocked. (TE32 01464)

• Hiding the graph view while analysing multiple graphs could cause the maximum time to be reduced to the time scale of the first graph. Now the view is forced to redraw when changing the active curve to ensure the correct scales are set. (TE32 01482)

• Added new events to the ESM log: File Deleted (when deleted via the "Delete Selected Files" menu option), User Account unlocked and User Account Locked. (TE32 01483)

• Fixed problem where user not prompted to save a file when it was closed if the auto save option was set but failed. (TE32 01484)

• Replaces the '°', '²' and '³' in BASIC scripts, if they are lead bytes in the current locale, with "deg.", "^2" and "^3" so the scripts don't appear corrupted to the engine. (TE32 01486)

• If the ESM is enabled and the Save menu item is disabled by the security options then the Save As dialog will not accept a filename that already exists so the user can not save over an existing file. Also disabled the Delete, Rename and Drag-and-Drop features of the dialog when the ESM is enabled. (TE32 01487)

• Fixed issue with "Check Force" pre-test command preventing Projects from opening. (TE32 01490)

• Fixed issue with slow toolbars on the latest Windows 10 update (Note: The .NET Visual Style is still slow). (TE32 01491)

• Recovered the Default report template that had been replaced in error. (TE32 01493)

• Fixed radio button issues on "Export Graph Data" macro command. (TE32 01494)

• The T.A. Sequence BASIC certificate was being lost under some circumstances. (TE32 01495)

• When copying a sequence with a non-standard BASIC script from a graph to the project the script was left disabled. You are now asked if you want to enable the script when you copy. (TE32 01496)

• We have increased the number of Events logged during run time from 255 to 65535. (TE32 01497)

• The Powder Flow Analyser projects folder has been modified to incorporate projects for the use of a split vessel which also allows for the measurement of bulk density.

• A compressibility project is now available which allows the use of the PFA for sample conditioning and then prompts the user to switch the blade for a specially designed compaction probe which fits into the motor.

• The cohesion macro has been modified to include the measurement of 'bridging' via the linear distance calculation.

• There is now a project called 'Three PFA tests in One' which ties 3 recommended tests together and runs them sequentially on a sample (for use with standard vessels or split vessels). The project is set up to perform a cohesion, PFSD then caking test on a sample. After all three tests are performed the macro automatically splits the graph into 3 separate graphs and relevant analyses run on each. This type of test is provided to optimise 'walk away time' from the PFA (or used when sample quantity is limited) but is not advisable on a sample which is likely to have a high degree of segregation or attrition.

6,1,14,0 (27th November 2017)

• Egg Testing files updated.

• Made the Custom Probe options more obvious in the Probe selection window. (TE32 01478)

• If the File - Project - Save menu item is disabled then the user is not promoted to save a modified Project. (TE32 01481)

• Fixed an issue where the wrong result was updated in the results tab when an item was recalculated. (TE32 01489)

6,1,13,0 (17th August 2017)

• Project Notes text now wraps at right edge of window. (TE32 01467)

• Integrated new Extensometer module. (TE32 01468)

• Enhanced the Set Project / Graph Notes Macro command and renamed it to "Display Notes or Set Projects Graph / Active Graph Notes". So it can now be used to display RTF notes and instructions, including pictures, when the macro runs. (TE32 01469)

• Updated TE32HPL.EXE to support the /RM option so Macros can be run from a command line and converted to DDE calls when Exponent is already running. This allows the help file to run macro. (TE32 01470)

• The Macro prompt command can now specify the system ICON that appears at runtime. (TE32 01474)

• Graphs that have no batch name were not showing results field values in a report. (TE32 01479)

• Hidden the RS485 and Aux configuration buttons on the Run-a-Test window for non-admins to be in line with the menu item restrictions. (TE32 01480)

6,1,12,0 (5th May 2017)

• Fixed confusing "Incorrect Path" message when using the Save In Project command. (TE32 01437)

• Send to LIMS macro command can now create new folders. (TE32 01438)

• Now only administrators can change the SMTP fields when the ESM is enabled. (TE32 01439)

• Now the Default Paths tab is not added if the Default Paths menu command is disabled. (TE32 01440)

• Added a menu command to change just the password so the User Properties window can be disabled. Also added extra password request to other security menu items. (TE32 01441)

• The "Define String Variable" macro command will now accept %_RESULT..._% type entries to extract results from the graph. (TE32 01442)

• Fixed problem where the popup menus on some dialog boxes where not being disabled by the security options. (TE32 01444)

• The "Save File / Save File As" menu command will now accept filenames with dots in. (TE32 01445)

• The "Define String Variable" macro command will now accept FINDNOTONEOF in the function to locate a character that is not in a list of characters. (TE32 01446)

• The "Define Variable" macro command now has options to validate the type of variable entered during a prompt at run time and ensure only valid characters are input by the user. (TE32 01447)

• Added options to Export / Import user accounts to make it easier to configure multiple installations. (TE32 01448)

• The "Lock if Inactive for" profile settings is now applied to the user. (TE32 01449)

• ESM Event log entries now created when a new security Policy is created or modified. (TE32 01450)

• Double clicking on the ESM Event column now sorts by that column in the same way as the other columns. (TE32 01451)

• The BASIC warning on macros can now be suppressed after the first warning for each file. If you select Yes to enable the BASIC then you are asked if you want to remember the file details so you are not warned again. Administrators can save the details in a global cache so all users can open the file without warnings. (TE32 01452)

• Added two new batch commands ( Move to position and Oscillate) to control the ALIS. (TE32 01453)

• Added options to export and import security base profiles. (TE32 01454)

• The Run-A-Test probe tab now shows the maximum compression and tension load for some of the probes. (TE32 01455)

• Removed the "Browse..." menu item from the Text Box editors button as it had no function. (TE32 01456)

• The BASIC command GetResultsValueEx for the Results object can now locate formula rows again as it did prior to TE32 01378 while keeping the speed improvements of TE32 01378. (TE32 01457)

• Deformation Energy calculation was only adding the first result to the spreadsheet. (TE32 01458)

• Fixed problem with Dough Inflation System tests not using large piston diameter to re-calculate flow rate.

• Note: to produce tests at the same rate as previous Exponent versions, when using the large piston versions (DIS2) of the Dough Inflation System, set the Test Flow Rate to 60.9 cm³/s. (TE32 01461)

• The project and graph notes text now wraps at the edge of the window so it is easier to view. (TE3201467)

6,1,11,0 (21st October 2016)

• Fixed issues with ESM copy location not being updated when a graph was Auto Saved. (TE32 01430)

• Fixed scaling issue when printing the Test Log / Event Log that caused one or more columns to go off the left side of the page. (TE32 01431)

• Added option to hide Start Batch and End Batch rows of results spreadsheet. (TE32 01432)

• Updated chart to correctly fill in X data for X-Y charts when the Group Cycles or Batch options are used. (TE32 01434)

• Updated help files and Egg Testing components.

• Fixed decode of %_PROJECT_PARAM_AUTOSAVE_PATH_% system variable when it contained other system variable. (TE32 01435)

• Fixed crash if an invalid character such as a TAB was put in a filename. (TE32 01436)

6,1,10,0 (16th March 2016)

• Added a new Pre-Test Check option to perform a “Check Force” operation. (TE32 01418)

• The cursor box items are now cleared when the last graph is removed from the window. (TE32 01419)

• Fixed the T.A. Variable Prompt At Runtime option as it was not transferring the new data to the Motor Processor. (TE32 01420)

• Added a menu option to refresh the results spreadsheet so the the TODAY() function can be updated. (TE32 01421)

• Fixed an issue where the results chart was not always redrawn when opened. (TE32 01422)

• Added an option to the chart to use a column as the X Axis Data for Line, Area and Bar charts/ (TE32 01423)

• Added an option to hide the batch formula in the results spreadsheet. (TE32 01424)

• Fixed an issue with copying Raw Data where the end of the data was missing. (TE32 01426)

• A prompt has been added to save the modified graph notes when the Results - Clear.. menu options are used. (TE32 01427)

• Fixed a partial lock up if the Export Video and Graph fails. (TE32 01428)

• Renamed the T.A. Sequence Command “Define Target Mask” to “Set Target Mask Bits” so it is consistent with other commands. (Issue 1769)

6,1,9,0 (6th October 2015)

• Increased the number of characters displayed for the Test Run Settings macro command. (TE32 01395)

• Fixed a problem where the Count Peaks command was only showing results for the first graph in the spreadsheet. (TE32 01396)

• Restored the %_PARENT_FOLDER_% and %_PARENT_NAME_% system variables to the Smooth Line macro command drop down menu. (TE32 01397)

• Added peak array values to the Count Peak, Average Gradient and Average Drop Off macro commands. (TE32 01398)

• Holding down the Ctrl key when doing a Calculation (Area, Mean, etc) from the menu or toolbar modifies the command to use the data represented on the second Y axis. (TE32 01399)

• Added the ability to compare strings in the macro If and WHILE commands by enclosing the function in #(...). (TE32 01400)

• Disabled macro commands, such as IF, no longer effects the indentation. (TE32 01401)

• Fixed a problem where the system variables that should have accessed the active graph were getting data from the project. (TE32 01402)

• Setting the critical flag option of the Quick Run A Test command was always stopping the macro even when the test was OK. (TE32 01408)

• Fixed Windows large DPI issues. Tested with settings up to 200%. (TE32 01409)

• The Pre-Test Checks for Calibration type had the message in the list the wrong way. (TE32 01416)

• Fixed a crash on XP systems that were not fully updated and not connected to the Internet. (TE32 01417)

6,1,8,0 (5th June 2015)

• Fixed Goto Last macro command dialog so it allows OK button. (TE32 01371)

• Added variables to the Move Probe macro command. (TE32 01372)

• Count Peaks now only displays the markers when the appropriate data is displayed on the axis. (TE32 01373)

• Fixed crash if an old plug in was in the located during start up and the user was not a windows administrator. (TE32 01374)

• The macro Search function now wraps around at the end of the macro to find occurrences of the search item located before the current item. (TE32 10375)

• Implemented a number of changes to the spreadsheet to speed up processing a large number of files. (This reduced the time to batch process the marking of a value in 44000 files from ~6 hours to 8 minutes) (TE32 01378)

• Fixed problem with deleting selected result items from the graphs result list. (TE32 01379)

• Fixed a GPF when opening a corrupted results file. (TE32 01381)

• Interaction with the graph during a macro Pause command are now displayed when Display Results is switched off. (TE32 01382)

• Added an option to the “Open Chart Window” macro command to specify which configuration set to use from the active spreadsheet. (TE32 01383)

• Added option for silent uninstall of Exponent. (TE32 01385)

• Allowed the view / hide graph options to be used while a test is running (but not when a macro is running). Also added feature to allow SHIFT + View All to hide all. (TE32 01386)

• The user defined axis title was being removed when the chart was refreshed. (TE32 01387)

• Added an option to display numbers for x-axis data labels instead of result column title and units. (TE32 01388)

• Fixed live reading decimal place issue when Windows uses commas for decimal points. (TE32 01389)

• Added option to macro Go to Peak commands to search between anchors. (TE32 01390)

• The Evaluate Function option in the macro WHILE command now recognises FailFlag as the macro Fail Flag variable. (TE32 01391)

• The T.A. sequence lists now show the variable captions along with the number to make it easier to read. (TE32 01392)

• Fixed the PT100 Live Readings value so it accounts for calibration adjustments. (TE32 01393)

6,1,7,0 (8th October 2014)

• Added a menu and macro command to separate linear graph cycles marked by event ID 255 into multiple graphs identified by a cycle number enclosed in #[ ]. Also updated repeat and cycle library sequences to mark the end of each cycle with event ID 255 automatically. (TE32 01338)

• The command line now supports the -RM “file name” option to run the specified macro. (TE32 01353)

• The function parser in Evaluate Function and Generate Curve, etc, now have access to graph parameters via GetGraphParameterValue and GetGraphParameterValueInUnits and added pop up menu to edit box for easier selection. (TE32 01354)

• Fixed a problem with the the function parser not working with array variables. (TE32 01355)

• Added an options to the results chart rows selection for Compare Batches and Compare Cycles so that batches / cycles produce individual lines. (TE32 01356)

• Added new options to the reports Result Object to filter the rows that are displayed including a Cycles only option. The formulas also update to match the visable rows. (TE32 01357)

• Added option to project cursor box settings to specify how many cursor box items to display. (TE32 01358)

• Added a project option to configure which live readings are displayed. (TE32 01359)

• Fixed problem with loading old format spreadsheet where formulas were not being loaded. (TE32 01360)

• The fixed peak markers no longer draw over each other when their locations coincide. (TE32 01361)

• Added right click popup menu to graph windows cursor box for shortcuts to configuration options. (TE32 01362)

• Fixed crash when using Mark Value on Strain Data. (TE32 01363)

• Added option to reports Results Object to select specific columns to show. (TE32 01364)

• Project Panel buttons can now be hidden / shown via Project - Configure Project Buttons or right click pop-up menu on the project panel and their position is also remembered after drag-n-drop used to move them. Also buttons are removed if the associated menu item is disabled in the security options. (TE32 01365)

• Fixed issue where macro sub routine names where case sensitive for validation but not the call allowing two sub routines with the same name to be added. (TE32 01366)

• The Restart Project at startup is ignored if a file is loaded via the command line. (TE32 01369)

6,1,6,0 (4th September 2014)

• The Define Variable macro command can now specify a list of options for the user to choose from at runtime. (TE32 00270)

• Changed the macro Step Out feature so it does not try to return if you manually switched to the sub-routine. (TE32 01284)

• Selecting the Debug Graphs Sequence command now tiles the graph and debug views and switches off the File Information. (TE32 01304)

• The Temperature 1 and 2 parameters can now auto capture temperature from PT100 probes connected to the back of the XTPlus. (TE32 01305)

• It is now possible to step backwards in the sequence debug window by holding down the Ctrl key when clicking on the step button. (TE32 01306)

• Adjust data can now accept negative numbers again (which was broken in 6,1,4,0). (TE32 01307)

• Fixed issue with “UserFileReadLine” BASIC command occasionally reading 2 lines of data. (TE32 01308)

• Add support for multiple user data files to be opened by BASIC. (TE32 01309)

• Mark Event is now recorded to the macro when in record mode. (TE32 01310)

• Modifying the flags for the Mark Event by double clicking the flags column was not refreshing the column properly. (TE32 01311)

• Disabling the Windows - Project menu item now disables the toolbar popup menu item and removes the cross from the panel. Also added a new System Security option to determine if the panel is visible when the menu item is disabled and removed all sections except the project shortcuts if it is visible and disabled. (TE32 01312)

• Maxima and Minima statistics can now be displayed in the graph window for the visible graphs in the window. (TE32 01314)

• Improved sharing of Application Data Folder on a network share for multiple PC’s. (TE32 01315)

• Added three more cursor box fields, added support for setting fonts and allowed multiple columns for horizontal layout. (TE32 01316)

• Fixed issue with probe area values when read from the probe database on Windows set to use a , for the decimal point. (TE32 01317)

• Added a ELSE IF macro command to make decision trees easier to read. (TE32 01319)

• The IF, ELSE IF and WHILE commands can now evaluate a function to compare against a variable or constant. This allows for multiple conditions to be used such as “v1>2 & v2<2”. (TE32 01320)

• The macro window tabs can now be placed on any edge by right clicking on the tab and selecting the desired position. (TE32 01321)

• The Define String Variable macro command now has an option to show a button on the prompt window that will browse for a file or folder into the variable. (TE32 01322)

• The Define String Variable macro command can now evaluate functions to manipulate strings. (TE32 01323)

• Added multiple macro timers and a GetMacroTimer( TimerID ) function to the evaluation engine used in Evaluate Function, IF, IF ELSE and WHILE macro commands. (TE32 01324)

• Added the “Read Text File Into String Variable” macro command to read text from a file into a string variable. (TE32 01325)

• Fixed problem where shortcut manager was not showing file information for new macros. (TE32 01326)

• Added extra security options to spreadsheets: “Apply to everyone including me”, “Allow New Batches”, “Allow New Rows”, “Allow New Columns”. (TE32 01328)

• When debugging a macro, the variable that has just been modified is now highlighted and brought into view. (TE32 01329)

• The Probe Height calibration values are now stored in the project instead of the registry. The Calibrate Probe Height macro command can now also specify the parameters or use the project settings. Also if the settings are protected then the calibrate height command bypasses the settings window. (TE32 01330)

• Fixed problem were pressing cancel on the macros Refactor Variable dialog would wipe some data. (TE32 01331)

• Added the new ‘Continue DO’ macro command. (TE32 01332)

• Added the new ‘Exit DO’ macro command. (TE32 01333)

• Added new sequence commands to firmware version 2.53 to set a target PT100 temperature with a zone and to read a temperature into a variable. The new commands are in the sequence editor list and the Return to Start library test has been updated to make use of the zone. (TE32 01336)

• Live readings for Force, Unfiltered Force, Position, Aux 1 and Aux 2 are now displayed in the status bar during a test even when data capture is off. Requires firmware version 2.53 or later. (TE32 01337)

• The macro command “Create Directory” now forces the desktop to refresh if the folder is created there. Also added the %_MY_DESKTOP_% and %_PUBLIC_DESKTOP_% system variables. (TE32 01339)

• Added a method in the Macro editor to move the highlighted line to the next / previous block using [ and ] keys respectively, e.g. from IF to ELSE / ELSE IF / END or DO to WHILE or Start Subroutine to Return from Subroutine. (TE32 01342)

• The “Move Probe to Position” macro command was using the specified force as the speed when moving to a force. (TE32 01343)

• Added a new option to “Show Indent lines” on the macro program list that displays vertical bars to help identify the indent levels for nested structure commands. (TE32 01344)

• Added GetGraphStatus function to the Evaluate Function macro command that can return the active graph index, number of graphs or visible / selected status of a graph. (TE32 01345)

• It is now possible to modify one instance of a batch formula row when the batch has two identical instances. (TE32 01346)

• The sheet reference in column formulas in the first two sheets are now renamed when the sheet is renamed. (TE32 01347)

• Enhanced formulas to be able to extract a number from a reference to a text formated cell. (TE32 01348)

• Fixed issue with user sheet cells being protected when the cell properties were modified even though the protection option was not set. (TE32 01349)

• It is now possible to paste into the formula edit mode of the spreadsheet. (TE32 01350)

• Added a formula bar to option the results file. (TE32 01351)

• Refactoring now works with array variables and the array index variables correctly. (TE32 01352)

6,1,5,0 (5th December 2013)

• The group option in the firmware information window is now remembered on a per user basis. (TE32 01109)

• There is now a video option for the graph export that exports the graph and product video side-by-side with the cursor and video synchronised. This can also be performed using the “File Save / Save File As” macro command. (TE32 01282)

• Exporting graph data to Excel failed when the graph notes contained more than 255 characters. The exported notes are now truncated to 254 characters. (TE32 01283)

• Macro sub-routines can now be stepped over / out of while the macro window is active using the new Step Over and Step Out tools. (TE32 01284)

• Double clicking on the line number in the macro view now opens the break point window. (TE32 01285)

• The image from the Video Preview and Video Player can now be copied to the clipboard. (TE32 01286)

• Undo now supported for results spreadsheet Row - Delete Selection. (TE32 01287)

• The Convert Num to Str Variable macro command now has the option to insert leading spaces or zeros to pad out the length of the string. (TE32 01288)

• Holding down the Alt key while double clicking a Call Sub-routine or Execute Sax BASIC Script macro command now opens the sub-routine tab or BASIC editor for viewing. (TE32 01289)

• Fixed problem showing probe name in graph info list. (TE32 01290)

• Added new BASIC command GetAppInfo to get information about Exponent. (TE32 01291)

• It is now possible to add event markers to the graph even when the test has finished either from the menu command or the new macro command. (TE32 01292)

• Add support for video product images on the report. (TE32 01293)

• The Maxima and Minima macro commands will now fill a two dimensional variable array [value][time] with the peaks they find. (TE32 01294)

• The T.A. Sequence now generates a BASIC event when a list item is changed. Also added an ID parameter to variables, to assist with checking which variable is being changed, along with BASIC methods to get, set and locate the ID. (TE32 01295)

• Graph Event marks are now displayed in a tab in the Graph Info panel. From here events can be deleted and comments can be added. (TE32 01296)

• Clicking on results entries in the Graph Info tab no longer repositions the cursor while a macro is running. (TE32 01297)

• Add a new Paste command and Delete command to the Sequence variables. The Paste command makes space for the new commands by shifting the existing variables down and renumbering references. The Delete command shifts variables up and renumbers the references plus adds spare variables to the end to maintain the required 250 variables. (TE32 01298)

• The sequence Display Prompt command now logs the message in the Info list if the message starts with a * or the Error List if the message starts with a !. (TE32 01299)

• Fixed problem with French Date format (and possibly other languages) on the Info tab of results files. (TE32 01300)

• Added support for Date type cells on the Results sheet for Formula columns and allowed the Cell Format command to function on the first 2 sheets (with some restrictions). (TE32 01301)

• Added new BASIC command ExportGraphImage to the GraphDocument object to save the graph view as an BMP or JPG file. (TE32 01302)

• Added new menu option to add text to graph for results selected in the results list. (TE32 01303)

6,1,4,0 (25th September 2013)

• A list of available options is now displayed for the macro command “Change Test Run Setting” when the selected setting is a multiple choice item. (TE32 01127)

• Updated (TE32 01223) so it can cope with missing string parameters. (TE32 01223)

• Move a results column was not updating the formula in row 3. (TE32 01265)

• Resetting the macro panel sizes when a panel was not visible was corrupting the view. (TE32 01266)

• Copying and pasting a Macro into Notepad was putting everything on one line. (TE32 01267)

• Fixed issue where getting the result of a calculation into a macro variable was broken in 6,1,3,0. (TE32 01268)

• Fixed crash when Esc pressed while Video Preview window open (requires Video Plugin 6,1,4,0 as well). (TE32 01269)

• The %_PARENT_NAME_% system variable now takes the graph name again instead of the macro name when used in a macro command that references a graph. (TE32 01271)

• The Full Screen view was always putting the menu bar on screen 1 even if Exponent was on a different screen. (TE32 01272)

• Added support for the integrated balance including new axis type and entry in Aux 2 configuration window drop list. (TE32 01273)

• The Aux 1 and Aux 2 Captions can now be edited by double clicking on them in the Graph Info list. (TE32 01274)

• Editing certain Graph Info items is now restricted by disabling the edit parameters menu item in the security settings. (TE32 01275)

• You can now specify a password for a protected or private macro file. If the file password is empty when you save a protected or private macro your log in password will be used and if this is empty you are prompted to enter a password for that file. The file owner is not required to enter the password to open the file. (TE32 01276)

• Exponent now supports .EUT and .EGT files for adding tools to the User and Global tools menus. (TE32 01277)

• Add Global Tools option. These are like the User Tools but available to all Exponent users. (TE32 01278)

• If an invalid path was set in the Project’s “Name for Results File” option the software could block when the project was restarted. (TE32 01279)

• Text objects where duplicated if the Show For All Graphs option was selected and certain Y2 axis data types where active. (TE32 01280)

• Text objects are now faded for inactive graphs if the fade inactive graphs option is selected. (TE32 01281)

• Adjust Data macro command can now use a macro variable to specify the offset. (TE32 01313)

6,1,3,0 (9th July 2013)

• Included USB drivers with updated signature for Windows 64 compatability.

• Enhanced Get Graph Information macro command to support text parameters. (TE32 01223)

• Fixed issue with parts of the video playback window appearing if a bad video file is associated. (TE32 01259)

• Fixed issue with running a batch test after a batch test has been aborted. (TE32 01260)

• The video capture setup window now has an option to run a 10 second video test to verify the PC is capable of the settings. The setup preview window also show the current frame rate being achieved by the input system but this does not account for the time it takes to compress and write the video stream. (TE32 01261)

• Added option to view active graph in Windows Explorer. (TE32 01262)

• Fixed problem with batch formulas vanishing when data rows deleted. (TE32 01263)

• Macro numeric variables now support and array style syntax that can use other variables to index them. (TE32 01080)

6,1,2,0 (9th July 2013)

• Added limited Undo feature to results files. (TE32 01087)

• New Savitzky-Golay filter method added to produce smoothed and derivative user data. (TE32 01238)

• The shortcut manager will now try to repair highlighted entries if the files have been moved. (TE32 01240)

• Fixed a GPF when Exponent checked for new updates if the Internet connection redirected the request. (TE32 01241)

• The zoom level is no longer reset when the second Y Axis data type is changed. (TE32 01242)

• The axis scale popup window can now be closed by clicking outside the window. (TE32 01243)

• Added a new popup menu option to the project shortcut lists to preview the projects notes. (TE32 01244)

• Added splitter controls to the shortcuts manager window. (TE32 01245)

• Fixed a problem when getting the Sample Depth parameter via the Get Graph Information macro command. (TE32 01246)

• Results spreadsheet columns can now be moved by dragging the heading while the Ctrl key is down. (TE32 01247)

• Added new feature to show / hide results columns. (TE32 01248)

• The User Default Paths can now be set via the User Security options to allow an administrator to specify the options when the account is created. (TE32 01250)

• The File - Preferences - Global options are now only available to Administrators. (TE32 01251)

• When a batch test is started the Batch Test window is now replaced with a smaller status window and it is possible to do limited interaction with the other windows. (TE32 01252)

• The Copy Section and Smooth Line macro commands can now decode macro string variables in the filename (using the %VarName% format). (TE32 01253)

• The integral Video Playback window is now docked in the graph window. (TE32 01254)

• The integral Video Playback window now loops around when the video is played using the play button. (TE32 01255)

• Added a search function to the results spreadsheet (Edit - Find & Edit - Find Next). (TE32 01256)

• A lot of the standard text contained in results files can now be translated to the active language (selected when the user logs into Exponent) when the file is opened. (TE32 01257)

• Project notes embedded in the graph info will now display the full formatted text and images when double clicked on. Also administrators can edit the notes. (TE32 01258)

6,1,1,0 (20th April 2013)

• Copying disabled macro commands into an RTF text document now shows the strike through. (TE32 01235)

• Fixed problem when copying and pasting columns in the Results1 sheet. (TE32 01236)

6,1,0,0 (4th April 2013)

New signed USB drivers are included for Windows 8 compatibility. These drivers are suitable for all supported operating systems. The drivers will be pre-installed by the setup program so, depending on the operating system, the new hardware wizard is simplified or suppressed when the USB is connected. If the USB is connected before the software is installed then cancel any Hardware Wizard windows that appear until the software installation is in progress.

• Fixed memory problem when allocating long formulas in the results sheet. (TE32 01205)

• Fixed crash when processing an evaluate function macro command that referenced an undefined variable while the critical flag was off. (TE32 01206)

• If a user defined parameter name or units text is changed then a new column will be added to the results info tab when measurements are made. (TE32 01207)

• Updated the TE Edit module to version 20. (TE32 01208)

– This fixes a few problems such as when expanding an image / object so it is larger than the space on a page.

– The reports can now be exported in DOCX format. The table cells can now be split horizontally.

– Comments can be added and hidden or viewed.

– The wash can be switched off when inserting a background image so it does not fade out completely.

• Added option to hide menu items that have been disabled in the security section. (TE32 01209)

• Saving a results spreadsheet via a macro command would show cause the “This file has been modified.” dialog to appear when the results view was activated. (TE32 01210)

• Text result columns in the results spreadsheet are now automatically widened to fit the new data. (TE32 01211)

• Refreshing report fields after Select All was causing problems. (TE32 01212)

• Changed the “Only Run This Macro” project option to be off for new / old projects. (TE32 01213)

• Results exported to Excel are no longer locked. (TE32 01214)

• Added an option to the Global security settings to make projects restart when they are opened. Administrators can override the restart by holding down Shift and Ctrl while opening the project. (TE32 01215)

• The Macro List and Run buttons have been removed from the Graph and Macro toolbars and placed on the main toolbar. This provides access to running a macro when no graph window is active. Existing installation will require the toolbars to be reset to see this change. (TE32 01216)

• When a sample project is opened you are asked if you want to make a copy as using the sample projects directly is not recommended. (TE32 01217)

• Product Information columns in the results files are no longer shown on the charts by default but can still be added. (TE32 01218)

• The results object in the report now has the option to switch off vertical and horizontal centering. (TE32 01219)

• The Linear Distance macro command now uses the define axis types. (TE32 01220)

• Modifying the Batch Testing - After Last Action list is now detected and enables updating the project. (TE32 01221)

• The Batch Testing - Run Macro command now has a menu button instead of the browse button when editing to help choose system variables. (TE32 01222)

• New Batch Action command to print / export a report added. (TE32 01224)

• The Evaluate Function macro command now uses the system defined decimal point and list separator characters. (TE32 01225)

• The shortcut lists are now saved when a macro is added during the save operation. (TE32 01226)

• New system variables added to access the project and graph parameters, such as %_PROJECT_PARAM_BATCH_%. (TE32 01227)

• ESM save copy option can now be configured to include the name of the user that saved the file. (TE32 01228)

• Values logged in the ESM check force window were being updated in the background so the value logged might be different to the value shown in the “Log It” window. (TE32 01229)

• The Check Force Log it option of the ESM now allows 0 to be entered for the applied weight if the measured weight is less than 10g. (TE32 01230)

• The units text on the ESM’s Check Force - -log it option printout was always showing g. (TE32 01231)

• The ALIS plate code will now accept P decimal values, e.g. Q4P83.35. (TE32 01233)

• The Open Chart macro command has a new option that suppresses charts if no template data is found in the results file. (TE32 01234)

6,0,7,0 (21st December 2012)

• The menu bar is now disabled while starting a test to prevent it from delaying the start. (TE32 00025)

• Added support for WMV files to the Video Playback. Limited support also provide for .MP4 and .3GP files in the new plugin. (TE32 00554)

• Added an option to the Macro Batch processing to select a folder to process so all ARC files in the folders are analysed. This enables a large quantity of files to be processed. (TE32 00888)

• The Macro and Project lists now support sub folders. The File Manager window has been updated to accommodate this with drag-n-drop support for arranging folders. Macros reference by projects are now loaded into a temporary shortcut folder so they don’t add clutter to your personal / global list. (TE32 01079)

• The Result objects in the Report now support more rows and column to accommodate the new spreadsheet and allow the column and row headers to be switched off/on. (TE32 01164)

• New menu commands added to quickly add the open Project or Macro to the Project / Macro lists. (TE32 01165)

• When a test is run, if a parameter requires information from the probe and the selected probe does not have the required information the user is asked if they would like to select a different probe. Also changing the probe for a graph now refreshes the parameters when necessary. (TE32 01167)

• The conditional colours are now copied in the HTML format clipboard data. (TE32 01180)

• The File - Save in Project menu command now works for Macro, Reports and Results files and will add the file reference of the active file to the Project Files section. (TE32 01181)

• The Goto Value Macro command was not working for Time. (TE32 01182)

• The results file copy function has been reverted back to plain text only. A new Copy HTML menu command has been added to facilitate the new formatted copy along with the option to include fixed columns and rows and titles. (TE32 01183)

• Added new sequence commands to support the new T.A. instructions for setting and clearing the stop condition flags. Requires T.A. Firmware version 1.1 (old style) or 2.2 (new style) or later. (TE32 01184)

• Clearing a T.A. Sequence variable now clears the Display Condition option as well. (TE32 01185)

• The T.A. Settings window now converts values to the native resolution of the XTPlus and feeds back the result. e.g. entering 5mm/min now shows 4.8mm/min in the grid as this would be the nearest speed the T.A. can run at. Some of the units now have more decimal places to reduce rounding errors when switching between unit types. (TE32 01186)

• Improved the time to expand the network branch in the File Manger explorer when registered PC’s are off line. (TE32 01187)

• Project Backup now creates a new folder named with the current date and time in the backup location. This ensures old backups are not overwritten and removes errors when existing files can not be overwritten. (TE32 01188)

• The Report print now uses the Number Of Copies option on the dialog box to print multiple copies. (TE32 01189)

• Modifying a results column that contained a calculation involving only the Y axis (such as Mean) was resetting the units to the first entry (e.g. g or mm, etc). (TE32 01190)

• New Batch Testing feature added for use with our new Automatic Linear Indexing System (ALIS) that can also be used for running multiple test without it. (TE32 01191)

• The Aux 1 and Aux 2 inputs will now show resistance in ohms for the PT100 data. (TE32 01192)

• The T.A. - Input Monitors window now show Volts or Ohms and temperature, if a PT100 probe is connected, for Aux 1 and Aux 2. (TE32 01193)

• The Aux configuration window now shows live readings for Voltage / PT100 and user defined values. (TE32 01194)

• The new graph printing via reports can be switched off in the page setup window. (TE32 01195)

• The PT100 reading on the Aux 1 or 2 inputs can now be offset to allow for errors due to probe specification. (TE32 01196)

• Pasting multiple string variables copied from a sequence now places a return code as well as the new line code after each variable so they each appear on a new line. (TE32 01197)

• The Ctrl+Up / Ctrl+Down and relevant commands now only move the sequence commands in the program list if the list is active. This prevents accidently moving commands without noticing. (TE32 01198)

• Fixed problem with pasting a sequence string variable into position 0. (TE32 01199)

• Improved speed at which sequence variable list populates by leaving <spare> variable lines empty except for the <Spare> in the type column. (TE32 01200)

• Pasting sequence commands into the list with no active selections now appends the commands instead of prepending them. Click on the empty space below the last command to deactivate all selections. (TE32 01201)

• Added a BASIC command to convert temperature to PT100 resistance that is measured by the Aux inputs. (TE32 01202)

• Fixed a problem with Y2 axis auto-scaling if one or more graphs do not contain valid data. (TE32 01203)

6,0,6,0 (18th July 2012)

• Adding new batch / column results rows now uses the formatting from existing batch / column result rows. (TE32 01166)

• Sample Projects now display a picture of the probe when the entry is clicked on and clicking on the button below the picture opens the application guide. (TE32 01168)

• Added support for the DATEVALUE, TIMEVALUE and INDEX functions in the results spreadsheet. (TE32 01173)

• Importing old results files that specify RED in the conditional formatting was not working. (TE32 01174)

• When importing some old version 5 spreadsheets it is not possible to modify the columns properly (TE32 01175)

• Variable columns in results spreadsheets can now be set to text format to allow for macro string variables. (TE32 01176)

• Increased the number of decimal places that can be specified for the results columns. (TE32 01177)

• Exponent now moves the strain height to the correct list if it was previously assigned incorrectly. (TE32 01179)

6,0,5,0 (7th June 2012)

• Formula results were not showing in spreadsheets exported or emailed via the macro commands. (TE32 01169)

6,0,4,0 (17th May 2012)

• Reports were not showing spread sheet calculations when the spread sheet is inserted as an object unless the spread sheet is viewed first. (TE32 01163)

6,0,3,0 (14th May 2012)

• Copying the Raw data view will now acquire as much memory as possible if needed so that as much data as possible can be added to the clip board. (TE32 00937)

• Added missing option called teTAParam_Tared_DateTime. (TE32 01115)

• Added BASIC command TA.GetParameterListText. (TE32 01116)

• Added a filter to select entries in the chart row / column selection window. (TE32 01117)

• Using the Chart Wizard option now shows the Columns window, then the rows window and then the wizard window so the previews are more realistic. (TE32 01118)

• Fixed a problem where copying and pasting a change run a test setting that relied on a string variable to a new macro window caused the variable name to be replaced with “”. (TE32 01120)

• Fixed a problem where the Report Field for Results - Complete Column was not working. (TE32 01121)

• Fixed a problem where Spreadsheets in Reports were not always printing. (TE32 01122)

• Increased the number of Sax basic variables allowed in the report from 100 to 250. (TE32 01123)

• Fixed a problem where empty lines were being omitted from the results files for the Complete Column option in the Report fields. (TE32 01124)

• It is now possible to select which formatting attributes are picked up from the results files for the Complete Column option in the Report fields. Also the background colour is applied to the whole line instead of just the text. (TE32 01125)

• Added a new menu item “Show in Windows Explorer” to the Project and Macro list pop-up menu. (TE32 01128)

• Fixed a problem where adding text to a graph using the shift click method was not updating the Text tab of the Graph Info. (TE32 01129)

• Fixed a problem where left clicking on the graph list did not always change the active graph. (TE32 01130)

• Added sequence commands to support the Opto-isolated inputs and outputs found on the new XTPlus models. (TE32 01131)

• Added new sequence command “Fan ON/OFF”. Requires T.A. Firmware 2.1. (TE32 01132)

• The MCU temperature can now be captured on a RS485 channel by setting the MODBUS device ID to 255 and Address to 0. (TE32 01135)

• Fixed the GetCellFormula, GetCellText and GetCellValue so they now use the specified sheet instead of the active sheet. (TE32 01136)

• The BASIC commands for setting results files cell text will now add rows or columns if required. (TE32 01137)

• It is now possible to sort the rows in the user sheets of the results files. (TE32 01138)

• Added a new BASIC command Project.DownloadSequence to download the projects sequence when the command is issued (T.A. must be ready). (TE32 01139)

• The rows and columns of the results files now scroll as you drag the scroll bar button. (TE32 01140)

• It is now possible to set the number of decimal places for the results Info columns. (TE32 01142)

• Fixed problem with adding and deleting user probes from the test configuration window. (TE32 01143)

• Fixed Prompt After Test option for user defined parameters. (TE32 01144)

• Fixed some problems problems with Change Run Parameter macro command. (TE32 01145)

• Enhanced GetParameter and GetParameterEx BASIC functions to return reason for failure. (TE32 01146)

• The warning message present to new users about reading the manual is suppressed when Exponent is started via OLE. (TE32 01147)

• Fixed the folder Create Now option in the run-a-test window. (TE32 01149)

• Blocked the cursor box # buttons if the associated mark value menu items are disabled. (TE32 01151)

• Added an option to the project to lock it to the specified macro to prevent other macro from being run when the project is active. (TE32 01152)

• Added IsGraphSelected BASIC command. (TE32 01153)

• Added IsGraphVisible BASIC command. (TE32 01154)

• Adding a project file on the command line after the /E option now opens the project as expected. (TE32 01155)

• Added a progress bar and check for Esc key while loading multiple ARC files. (TE32 01156)

• Fixed a problem with the batch T_Test function on results files that have been saved and reloaded. (TE32 01157)

• Improved macro performance by reducing results spreadsheet refreshes. (TE32 01158)

• Fixed a problem with loading multiples files referenced by a URL from the MRU. (TE32 01159)

• Fixed the “Save File / Save As File” macro command’s prompt option so it now exports results file in XLS format. (TE32 01160)

• Fixed the “Save File / Save As File” macro command’s Browse option so it now inserts the filename into the edit field. (TE32 01161)

• Fixed a problem with displaying & characters in the company name field of the about box and splash screen. (TE32 01162)

6,0,2,0 (2nd Feb 2012)

• The BASIC commands Name, Kill, RmDir, FileCopy and SetAttr can now be enabled in the security settings. (TE32 01107)

• New results files were prompting to be saved when close even though no changes were made. (TE32 01108)

• Importing old spreadsheets that had a formula referencing the Info sheet were failing to set the formula in the new spreadsheet. (TE32 01110)

• Under some conditions some sub routine headers failed to load into the macro sax basic function selection dialog box. (TE32 01111)

• Holding down the Shift key while using the View - Refresh Fields and Object menu command now resets the text in the Sax BASIC Fields in a report to SBP(xxx) where xxx is the field number. This makes it easier to layout the page. (TE32 01112)

• The View - Field Names option is now turned off while saving a report to preserve the correct formatting. (TE32 01113)

• The count Peaks plus / minus calculations would divide spread sheet results by 1000 if recalculated. (TE32 01114)

6,0,1,0 (25th Jan 2012)

Now built with Microsoft Foundation Class Library version 10.

New Spreadsheet component used. This has many internal advantages plus more columns and rows. A huge effort has been made to ensure old spreadsheets load correctly but you may see a few minor formatting differences. The Export will now be in the BIFF8 format, which is the format used by Excel 97, Excel 2000, and Excel 2002. The old package exported in a format used by Excel 4.0 / 5.0 so this may be a problem if you are importing into very old software.

Exponent now integrates with Window Explorer to provide optional column information, file properties panel and thumbnails.

• The ESM now has an option to create backup files in a specified separate location. (TE32 00872)

• Improved memory allocation for RawData Copy function so larger amounts of data can be copied. WARNING some applications can not handle the amount of data in the clipboard. (TE32 00937)

• Selecting to edit a BASIC function referenced in the macro command now jumps to the function in the BASIC IDE. (TE32 00942)

• Fixed a crash when using the ResultInterface.Close command. (TE32 00943)

• Changed columns of macro program list. (TE32 00945)

• Fixed problem where menus were disabled if the macro had an error. (TE32 01008)

• New option to have syntax colouring in the macro program list. (TE32 01009)

• A message box is now displayed when a macro break point is reached. (TE32 01011)

• The macro view variables option is remembered. (TE32 01012)

• The ESM now logs when a new user is added. (TE32 01013)

• The ESM now logs when a user security level changes. (TE32 01014)

• Shift+Run Macro now edits the macro from the macro window as well as the graph window. (TE32 01026)

• Macro command tabs can now be sorted alphabetically. (TE32 01027)

• The macro commands that add text to the curve can now specify which axis the text is displayed with. (TE32 01031)

• New BASIC command DeleteRow added to Results Interface. (TE32 01032)

• New BASIC command GetRowType added to Results Interface. (TE32 01033)

• New BASIC commands SetNumCols and SetNumRows added to Results Interface. (TE32 01034)

• New BASIC command SendTACommandByTextEx added to TA Interface. (TE32 01035)

• The Change Units command now displays more information in the program list. (TE32 01037)

• Improved Macro checking routines to detect more errors. (TE32 01038)

• Calibrate Force macro command now sets the Fail flag if the command fails. (TE32 01039)

• In the macro program list, holding down the control and shift keys while clicking the up / down buttons or menu items moves the selected commands to the top / bottom of the list. (TE32 01042)

• Fixed a problem saving Reports and Results when logged in to the PC as a local user on a domain connected PC. (TE32 01043)

• Fixed a crash when using Windows log in option with an account that does not exist in Exponent. (TE32 01044)

• Texture Expert files that had been opened and saved in Exponent version 2 and earlier where not displaying distance correctly. (TE32 01046)

• The Macro / Project manger now selects the file in the file tree when it is clicked in the shortcut list. (TE32 01047)

• Add an option to display macro sub routines in separate tabs. (TE32 01049)

• Adding the Call Sub Routine macro command now displays a list of available subroutines and will create the sub routine if a new name is entered. (TE32 01050)

• Average Drop Off macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01053)

• Average Gradient macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01054)

• Count Peaks + macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01055)

• Count Peaks - macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01056)

• Deformation Energy macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01058)

• Dispersion macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01059)

• Fit Distance macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01060)

• Linear Distance macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01061)

• Maxima macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01062)

• Minima macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01063)

• Ratio macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01064)

• Time Difference macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01065)

• Travel macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01066)

• Volume Change macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01067)

• Volumic Mass macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01068)

• X Intercept macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01069)

• Y Intercept macro calculations has the Add Text to Graph option. (TE32 01070)

• Added a command to rename macro variables and the references. (TE32 01073)

• Added option to File security to allow managers and or administrators access to protected files. (TE32 01075)

• Added Pre-Test check to ensure the calibration date is less than a specified number of days old. (TE32 01076)

• Macro calculations can now add the text to the curve even if the results is not record in the spreadsheet. (TE32 01077)

• Individual tabs in the Run A Test window can now be protected using project security settings. (TE32 01078)

• Added Favorites tab to the Macro commands list that can be customised as required. (TE32 01082)

• The Macro window now remembers the size of the panels when it is closed. (TE32 01090)

• The last columns in the macro lists now expand to fill the available window. (TE32 01091)

• Added an option to find the files directly referenced in a macro. These file will also be copied when a project is copied. (TE32 01092)

• Added an option to turn off the Quick Test Wizard that appears when you click on the Exponent logo in the main window. (TE32 01093)

• The format of macro commands text in the program list has been changed to improved readability of Macros. (TE32 01094)

• Text objects are now prevented from drawing off screen unless the view is zoomed in. (TE32 01095)

• Added options to set default Force and Distance units for new projects created from factory defaults. (TE32 01096)

• Added a new tab to the Graph Information panel that shows all the Text objects in the graph and allows selection / editing of them. (TE32 01097)

• The Offset Yield command now has extra options to: a) use one anchor to mark the start of the gradient search (allows for non-linear start to the data) or b) Use two anchors to mark the gradient (eliminates the search). The original method is still available. (TE32 01098)

• The Notes macro command (now called Set Project Graph / Graph Notes) has been enhanced to choose if the Project or Graph Notes are to be updated. Also added the Critical, Adjust Fail Flag and Prompt options. (TE32 01099)

• A new BASIC command called SetTextAndStyle has been added to the ReportInterface object to set the text and style (font, colour and attributes) of a BASIC report field. (TE32 01100)

• The last window of the Force / Pressure calibration wizard now show more information and logs it to a file. There is also a live reading so the calibration can be checked. (TE32 01102)

• Added a Tare button to the Check Force / Pressure window. (TE32 01103)


5,1,2,0 (29th Sep 2011)

• Fixed a problem with saving files when a local user is logged into a domain connected PC. (TE32 10141)

• Fixed a GPF when logging in using the Windows User name option and an Exponent account does not exist for the user. (TE32 10142)

5,1,1,0 (1st Jun 2011)

• New Powder projects and help files are provided in the setup program. Extra sample powder .ARC files and video clips are available on the DVD.

• Improved support for silent installations with ability to specify setup parameters via a files and automatically restore backed up settings. See the document “Exponent Silent Installation.pdf” located on the DVD.

• Added support for new the T.A. Sequence command “Set Target PT100 on channel (Var X) to Temperature (Var Y)”. Requires XTPlus firmware version 0.01198 or later (TE32 00928)

• Added new “ShowWindow” BASIC command to ReportInteface, ResultsInterface, and GraphDocument. (TE32 00929)

• Added new “ActiveReport” BASIC command to the App object. (TE32 00930)

• Fixed rounding error on fetching last data point that prevent the last data point from being displayed on some curves. (TE32 00931)

• Fixed problem with Exponent responding slowly if T.A. switched off while input monitors window open. (TE32 00932)

• The Sequence title in the graph info list was showing the Graph name instead of the Sequence name. (TE32 00933)

• Fixed problem with Shape parameter prompting during a test if Rectangular or Cylindrical options where selected. (TE32 00934)

• The Load Cell Capacity report field was display 0 for any cell below 1Kg capacity. (TE32 00935)

5,0,10,0 (14th Apr 2011)

• Added error trap around spreadsheet export function to help prevent exponent crashing if export fails. (TE32 00917)

• Notes added to the results file are now truncated to 254 characters in the cell to prevent ‘String Too Long’ error message. (TE32 00918)

• Fixed a conflicted with the password command line option. (TE32 00919)

• Fixed a problem with TA Information IDs being altered when loading some old files. (TE32 00920)

• Project Notes now display with formatting when a project is opened. (TE32 00921)

• Graph Notes now displayed with formatting when inserted into graph information tab. (TE32 00922)

• Added extra options to /mi command line parameter so that USB devices can be specified by serial number. (TE32 00923)

• Fixed problem with obtaining weight from our S.G. Balance (TE32 00924)

• Improved scaling of chart objects in reports. (TE32 00925)

• The Open Chart macro command will now switch to the existing chart when it is already open. (TE32 00926)

• Improved refresh of T.A. Message log window when date range changed. (TE32 00927)

5,0,9,0 (14th Feb 2011)

• The UserFileOpen BASIC command can now access a UserFiles folder in the application folder. (TE32 00908)

• Add a BASIC script and .cal files to setup CAL controllers for Thermal Cabinet, Pelletier Cabinet and Pelletier Plate. (TE32 00750)

• Fixed a GPF when used with the ESM module. (TE32 00909)

• Now supports silent slave installations. See the Exponent Silent Installation.pdf file that is places in the Exponent folder during the normal (master) installation. (TE32 00910)

• Fixed a problem with the BASIC TA.SendTextEx command failing for some messages. (TE32 00911)

• Added new BASIC command MakeActiveResults to ResultsInterface object. (TE32 00912)

• If the users security options were opened and OK’d the password set time would be reset so the Expires after option would run from that time even though the password might not have been updated. (TE32 00913)

• Removed SMTP tab from ESM Profiles page as the settings do apply to more than one user. (TE32 00914)

• Fixed case were the password reminder checks were bypassed if the password was not changed. (TE32 00915)

5,0,8,0 (7th Dec 2010)

• The Test Log Viewer window is now modless so it can stay open while you use other features of Exponent. (TE32 00886)

• The menu bar is now disabled when a Macro is running so it does not pause the macro processing. (TE32 00887)

• Emailing a new TST file was saving a reference to the temporary file in the Test Log. (TE32 00892)

• Added an option to hide the GUI when Exponent started via OLE Automation. (TE32 00893)

• In the Test Log Viewer the column used to sort the data is now indicated by a < or > symbol to show the order. (TE32 00894)

• Fixed a problem with the Highlight Missing Files command in the Test Log Viewer where it was not highlighting the first missing file of a block of missing files. (TE32 00895)

• Added a button in the About window to open the Application Data Folder in Explorer. (TE32 00896)

• The size of the last column in the Test Log Viewer was not being remembered. (TE32 00897)

• The old Highlight Missing Files command is now Select Missing Files and the Highlight Missing Files option has changed to a toggle that turns the SavedAs column values red if the file is missing. (TE32 00898)

• The order of the columns in the Test Log Viewer is now remembered when the window is closed and re-opened. (TE32 00899)

• Leading Columns in the Test Log Viewer can now be frozen by right clicking on them and the last frozen column has a thick right-side border. (TE32 00900)

• The Test Log Viewer filter selection window has been updated to make it easier to select date ranges. (TE32 00901)

• Fixed a problem with modifying cells in the results file user sheets after data is cut from them. (TE32 00902)

• Most message boxes are now bypassed if the GUI is hidden by OLE. (TE32 00903)

• If the current Locale uses dots between day-month-year then the DATE System Variable would produce invalid file names so the dots are now replaced with ‘_’ . (TE32 00904)

• The Send To LIMS macro command now has the option to append data to the output file. (TE32 00906)

• Fixed problem with moving the Application Data folder using the Global - Default Paths window. (TE32 00907)

• Added a low level method of checking for a valid Internet connection to fix a problem with the splash screen with certain Internet connection configurations (a further enhancement to the fix in 5,0,3,0). (TE32 00840)

5,0,7,0 (20th Oct 2010)

• Fixed a problem when saving to folders that deny delete permissions. (TE32 00871)

• Fixed GPF if a T.A. Sequence variable’s display condition was set to itself. (TE32 00873)

• T.A. Variables’s display conditions are now shown in a new column in the Sequence Editor and T.A. Settings tab of the Graph Info. (TE32 00874)

• The Store Variable Macro command can now store String Variables as well as Numeric Variables. (TE32 00875)

• The name of the user that ran a test and the name of the user that analysed the results are now added to the Info tab of the results spreadsheet. (TE32 00876)

• Removed most of the #DIV/0! messages that appear in text format columns for row that have formula. (TE32 00877)

• The graph colours were not setup correctly when files were inserted while the colour by batch option was on. (TE32 00878)

• Added an option to specify the Prompt message for Define Variable and Define String Variable Macro commands. (TE32 00879)

• Fixed problem with the Select Graph macro command leaving no graph selected if Select Next or Previous went beyond the end of the list. (TE32 00880)

• Fixed security issue with deleted users. (TE32 00881)

• The T.A. Messages are now logged to files so the history is maintained after Exponent is closed. Message view updated accordingly. (TE32 00882)

• Non alpha-numeric characters in Macro variable names are now replaced with _ during the Evaluate Function macro command. (TE32 00883)

• Fixed problem with UNC paths ( \\Server\... ) in the Create Folder Macro command causing it to fail. (TE32 00884)

• The Macro Fail Flag status is now shown at the end of the variables view after stepping or debugging the macro. (TE32 00885)

• Fixed GPF when opening lots of files that contain lots of results. (TE32 00889)

• Exponent now detects when the TA is turned off while it is running. (TE32 00890)

• A test can be aborted when serial communications is lost during the test. (TE32 00891)

• The Backup and Restore utility now supports command line options to allow scheduled backups.

5,0,6,0 (13th Aug 2010)

• Fixed a problem when inserting notes into old results files. (TE32 00867)

• Restarting the project or using the Project - Open Results command now opens the template results file as a template to reduce the risk of adding data to it. (TE32 00868)

• Starting a quick test while the quick calculations were still analysing caused the BASIC screen to appear. (TE32 00869)

• Fixed a problem with adding multiple DR DIS Deformation Energy results to the results spreadsheet. (TE32 00870)

5,0,5,0 (23rd Jul 2010)

• Fixed when using the Chinese translation on Chinese windows Exponent can some times stop responding. (TE32 00863)

• Fixed a problem using the superscript 2 to represent squared on Chinese Windows. (TE32 00864)

• Fixed value from TA Info for Filter and Load Cell Type not being displayed. (TE32 00865)

• Fixed first file selected after a folder change in file open dialog was not showing thumbnail or information. (TE32 00866)

5,0,4,0 A (14th Jul 2010)

• Setup now has new help files for Teguide, Abstract and Probe & Fixture Guide.

• New TA_MOTOR.SX firmware file as the one 6th July release was corrupted.

5,0,4,0 (6th Jul 2010)

• Fixed problem with user defined parameters not accepting text data. (TE32 00853)

• The Results Spreadsheet Info tab now shows Text, List and User defined parameters. (TE32 00854)

• Fixed GDI resource leak caused by Report objects. (TE32 00855)

• Added tePublic, teExportFolder and teNoErrMsg options to the BASIC command UserFileOpen. (TE32 00856)

• The Select COM Port window has been updated to allow specific USB connections to be used. (TE32 00857)

• Added options to the System Security Window to re-enabled some of the blocked BASIC keywords. (TE32 00858)

• Loading pre version 5 projects that did not specify a results file now behaves the way earlier versions did and do not automatically save the results in the project folder. The wording for the Results files controls in the Project Files page has been changed to better describe their function. Their function has been changed slightly to fit with the new descriptions. (TE32 00859)

• The Create Now button in the Project - Test Configuration window now shows an error message if no drive is specified and will create a full path in one go. (TE32 00860)

• Some folder browse windows were not working on Windows 7 so updated to new method. (TE32 00861)

• Added option to Colours and Styles window to make list boxes use the System defined font so that filenames with non-English characters display correctly. (TE32 00862)

5,0,3,0 (11th May 2010)

• Fixed a problem with the splash screen with certain Internet connection configurations (a further enhancement to the fix in 5,0,1,0). (TE32 00840)

• QuickCalculations now work on all selected graphs in the view. (TE32 00842)

• Added an option to the Mark Value macro command to set if duplicates are allowed. Unchecked replicates pre-version 5 behavior. (TE32 00845)

• Fixed a problem with the wrong variable being shown in windows when the list contained similar items such as Force1 followed by Force. If force was the selected string the list would show Force1 as it was the first partial match. The selection function now requires an exact match. (TE32 00846)

• The sequence debug view now selects the appropriate entries when the graph cursor is moved. (TE32 00847)

• The Macro indentation is now setup correctly for new commands added by the Record Macro feature. (TE32 00848)

• The Macro record feature now sets the new Display On Graph option for Mark Value and Calculations as appropriate. (TE32 00849)

• The User Defined Parameters now support the Prompt At Runtime option plus a Prompt After Test option. (TE32 00850)

• A new option added to the Graphs Text menu, “Show for all Graphs”. When it is checked the text objects for all visible graphs are displayed (as in version 4), when unchecked only the text objects for the active curve are displayed. (TE32 00851)

• Exponent no longer uses SSE2 instructions so it is compatible with older micro-processors. (TE32 00852)

5,0,2,0 (19th April 2010)

• Fixed a problem when selecting the Graphs Text menu when no graphs were loaded. (TE32 00843)

• Fixed a problem with a communications error message being displayed when used with old firmware. (TE32 00844)

5,0,1,0 (16th April 2010)

• Fixed a problem when using two mark value macro commands of the same data type, etc, with different custom names was sharing a single column in the results file. (TE32 00834)

• Fixed a problem when using some 750kg load cells that would generate a gain out of range error when stating a test. (TE32 00835)

• Emailing an unsaved project now names the project Untitled for the attachment. (TE32 00836)

• Most places that used the old style folder browser now use the new resizable style. (TE32 00837)

• Fixed the Create Now button in the Test Configuration window as it was not expanding system variables. (TE32 00838)

• Added the Edit - Parameters menu command to the Graph window. (TE32 00839)

• Fixed a problem with the splash screen when no Internet connection available. (TE32 00840)

• Fixed a problem with changing the printer setup while previewing the graph report. (TE32 00841)

5,0,0,0 (30th March 2010)

Now built with Microsoft Foundation Class Library version 9.0.30729.4148 hence windows 95, 98 and Me have been dropped. This does provide the new Vista appearance when running on Vista and above.

Some toolbar features are not compatible with the previous version. Therefore, to ensure the toolbars are recreated correctly when updating from a previous version, the location for storing custom settings has been changed. This does mean that your custom toolbar configuration will be lost when you update but it allows the old and new versions to co-exist (installed in different locations). Saved toolbar configurations will still load but you may see an extra space on the left side of the main window, that does not paint properly, if the configuration was saved with the Project panel unpinned (in pop-out mode).

If you end up with a corrupted layout after loading a toolbar configuration that you can not recover from then you can reset to default settings by holding down the shift key at startup while the main window is created. E.g. if you are using the standard logging window then hold the shift key down when you click on the OK button and keep it pressed until the main window has appeared.

New USB drivers included with XP64, Vista64 and Windows 7 64 support.

• A new command added to the Process Data menu and a new option added to Post Test tab of Test Configuration window to perform Quick Calculations . (TE32 00411)

• The Project - New command now has a wizard type interface to assist with creating new projects. (TE32 00701)

• Systems Variables can now include Windows Environment variables using SYSVAR_varname syntax. (TE32 00746)

• The Mark Value macro command and Shift Clicking on the cursor box # buttons now automatically adds a text box to the graph containing the marked value. (TE32 00749)

• Fixed a problem where occasionally the LIMS files created with the macro command look like Chinese when opened in Notepad. (TE32 00792)

• Exponent now looks in all the template locations for a default.rsl file to load for new results documents. (TE32 00793)

• New graph printing system that uses reports instead of fixed print format. (TE32 00794)

• New TE32HPL.exe used that fixes a problem opening files via Explorer that are on a network drive. (TE32 00795)

• Test Configuration - Parameters reworked so they are interactive with each other and a few new ones added so they now support three point bend stress and strain. (TE32 00796)

• Test Configuration - Parameters now have a User Defined tab where you can easily add your own parameters to the system. (TE32 00797)

• Fixed a problem with copying protected projects. (TE32 00798)

• Fixed a problem with auto scales where the data could occasionally go of the top of the screen. (TE32 00799)

• Add more decimal places to the scales when needed so the numbers don’t repeat. (TE32 00800)

• Generate Curve function now works when a graph is disable due to missing data type. (TE32 00801)

• Fixed a problem with saving a macro while stopped at a BASIC break point. (TE32 00802)

• Fixed a problem where pressing the F10 key to drop an anchor was setting the focus to the menu so the cursor could not be moved along the graph with the keys. (TE32 00803)

• The Maxima and Minima Macro commands can now use variables for the number of peaks and threshold settings. (TE32 00804)

• Added more help areas to windows to make it even easier to understand what is needed. (TE32 00805)

• Project - Files window has been simplified. (TE32 00806)

• Project Title has been moved to the bottom of the Project Title and Notes window as it is no longer important. (TE32 00807)

• Added GetNumSheets, GetNumRows and GetNumCols BASIC commands to ResultsInterface object. (TE32 00808)

• Fixed a problem with ResultsInterface methods that had a sheet parameters not validating the row and col parameters against the specified sheet. (TE32 00809)

• The Default Paths were being reset each time the software started up. (TE32 00810)

• A new Mail To command has been added for Graphs, Report, Results, Sequences, Macros and Projects. (TE32 00811)

• It is now possible to define a different name and folder for results files to save to in the project and select if you want a new file every day/week/month. (TE32 00812)

• Windows created by plugins were still trying to open the .hlp help file instead of the new .chm file. (TE32 00813)

• The ConverToString macro command now has options for setting the number of digits and decimal places in the output. (TE32 00814)

• New report engine now supports exporting to HTML (within limits of HTML so no floating images). (TE32 00815)

• The Save / Save As macro command now has an option to selected the file type for results and reports to make it easier to export. (TE32 00816)

• After browsing for a file or path that is stored the section of the path that match system variables is now replaced with the variable. e.g. %_MY_DOCS_%. (TE32 00817)

• Macro commands that support string substitution can now use numeric variables along with a format field. (TE32 00818)

• The graphs “Add All To Spreadsheet” command now process all selected graphs rather than just the active graph. (TE32 00819)

• Reports now have a View - Document Information... command so RTF properties such as Title, Author, Keywords, etc can be set. (TE32 00820)

• New SetScriptSetting and GetScriptSetting BASIC commands added that store and retrieve custom setting in the project. (TE32 00821)

• Fixed a problem where macro comment field was lost when any undo was performed. (TE32 00822)

• Add menu command to Graph window to toggle between batch colours and individual colours. (TE32 00823)

• Send To LIMS macro command now has an option to overwrite the specified file instead of numbering them. (TE32 00824)

• Graph notes are now added to info tab of results file. (TE32 00825)

• Added a macro command to e-mail selected active documents (includes addition of SMTP feature to send e-mails directly). (TE32 00826)

• References to PATH and DIR in System Variable names now changed to FOLDER and DP_ is now FOLDER_FOR. This provides better consistency and clarity. The old variables are still supported but not suggested. (TE32 00827)

• When a file is added to the Project’s Files window via the browse button the user is asked if they want to copy the file to the Project’s folder (provided the project has been saved). Also when saving the Project for the first time or when using the Project’s Save As option the user is asked if they want the referenced files copied to the projects folder. (TE32 00828)

• Added the Project - Close command that close the current project and creates a new empty project in memory. (TE32 00829)

• Added options to the Test Configuration window to specify what action to take if and arc file already exists when Exponent tries to Auto-save the new test. (TE32 00830)

• Added an optional Name field to the macro commands Mark Value, Area, Gradient and Mean. (TE32 00831)

• Added g/cm2 units for Stress. (TE32 00832)

• Added an option to insert a text box for the calculation results by holding down the shift key when the command is clicked. The feature has also been added to the Area, Gradient and Mean macro commands. (TE32 00833)

Show more (+)


4,0,13,0 (5th May 2009)

• New macro command added to evaluate a user function that contains any macro variables. (TE32 00780)

• New macro command added to send a row of results to a file for LIMS to pick up. (TE32 00781)

• Fixed a problem with saving results spreadsheets when a local HP printer is the active printer. (TE32 00782)

• The four RS485 channels are now configured to work with the CAL temperature controllers so they can be used for data 1 and data 2. (TE32 00783)

• The text for inches of water has been changed from I.o.W. to the more common text inH2O. (TE32 00785)

• New sequence command added to read 32 bit data from MODBUS devices. (requires XTPlus firmware version 0.01182) (TE32 00786)

• The End Sub sequence command was messing up the indentation in the sequence view when it was not at the end of the sub routine. (TE32 00787)

• Sub routines are more clearly defined in the Graph Information tabs. (TE32 00788)

• Line numbers are now displayed in the graphs T.A. Sequence tab. (TE32 00789)

• The T.A. Sequence End Sub command was not working properly when used inside an If... block. (requires XTPlus firmware version 0.01183) (TE32 00790)

• The order of items in the project and macro lists can now be changed in the File Manager window using the Ctrl+UP/Ctrl+DOWN arrow keys. (TE32 00791)

4,0,12,0 (9th December 2008)

• When multiple rows are selected in the Chart column / row selection window, pressing the space bar toggles the “Used” option for the selection. (TE32 00770)

• Markers for: Goto..., Mark..., Maxima, Minima, Count Peaks+, Count Peaks- and average gradient are now only drawn on the relevant data and also on the second y axis if applicable. (TE32 00771)

• Fixed problem with the “Create Directory” macro command where variables where being confused. (TE32 00772)

• The first filename used to save a file is recorded in the graph info so that renaming a file can be seen. (TE32 00774)

• The “Store Variable” macro command now adds the variable to the graphs results list as well as the spreadsheet. (TE32 00775)

• When a text object is selected with the right mouse button the cursor is no longer moved to the anchor point. Also a text object can now be selected with the left mouse button and the cursor is moved to the anchor point. (TE32 00776)

• The User Tools now support project files with the /E option to restart the project and Macro files. (TE32 00777)

• Fixed problem where the wrong data type was selected for the Y axis in the graph preferences when using a Spanish translation. (TE32 00778)

• Two methods added to the App object, DoesFileExist and DoesFolderExist, that check to see if a specified file / folder exist. (TE32 00779)

4,0,11,0 (12th November 2008)

• Added a command to backup all the global and current users registered project to a specified location. (TE32 00730)

• Support for new system variable for My Documents added. (TE32 00747)

• When a result is selected in the results tab of the graph window the cursor is placed at the location of the marked value or the anchors used for the result are selected. (TE32 748)

• Added an Exit Log menu item to the log window to supplement the close button. (TE32 00761)

• New System Variables support added to graph text boxes to pick up the data values at the text box anchor point. (TE32 00762)

• Added option to report Graph Objects to specify which graph to display from the graph window. (TE32 00763)

• Fixed problem where Goto % of Max failed if the percentage was set to 100 and the max value was the last data point. (TE32 00764)

• Changing the product parameters in a graph via BASIC now forces the data caches to refresh so the auto scaling works correctly. (TE32 00765)

• Option added to first parameter of App.UserFileOpen to suppress error message. (TE32 00766)

• Added new BASIC command to set the number of decimal places for user data channels. (TE32 00767)

• Added option to generate curve function to specify the number of decimal places for the resulting user data channel. (TE32 00768)

• The Raw Data View now detects the smallest time base of the viewed data so that empty rows are removed when viewing just the RS484 data or user data. (TE32 00769)

4,0,10,0 (27th August 2008)

• Fixed problem where Global scripts could not be loaded. (TE32 00751)

• Fixed problem where shutting down the application generated error messages after the Global event Graph_TestPreStart was used. (TE32 00752)

• Macro Batch function was not showing the file selection window. (TE32 00753)

• Sub-routines were not being printed for test sequences. (TE32 00754)

• New report option to hide field warnings so the format is not altered by missing information. (TE32 00755)

• The report date time field can now have custom formats. (TE32 00756)

• Fixed problem where an error message was incorrectly displayed when manually adding a column to the result spreadsheet. (TE32 00757)

• Implemented Track Changes functions in report. (TE32 00758)

• Wait for Time macro command no longer hogs all the CPU time. (TE32 00759)

• The generate curve macro command now has options to hide error messages, set the fail flag and not abort macro. (TE32 760)

4,0,9,0 (7th May 2008)

• Fixed problem where cursor would not run along the curve after a test was saved. (TE32 00725)

• Added toolbar and buttons for user tools. (TE32 00726)

• Added commands to the T.A. menu that move the probe to a Preset so they are available for shortcut keys to be assigned and also added toolbar buttons to the T.A. category of the Commands tab in the customise toolbars window. (TE32 00727)

• Added a command to the T.A. menu to Tare the loadcell and also added a toolbar button to the T.A. category of the Commands tab in the customise toolbars window. (TE32 00728)

• Fixed the problem where the User Input dialog would randomly restrict the number of characters allowed. This was noticed when the user was prompted to enter a value for a macro variable at runtime. (TE32 00729)

• The Graph window’s mouse tooltip that is displayed when the Ctrl key is pressed now shows the value for the second Y axis. (TE32 00731)

• It is now possible to delete an empty batch from the results spreadsheet. (TE32 00732)

• Value fields that do not have a specified number of decimal places will now show up to 15 significant digits. (TE32 00733)

• System Variables are now decoded in the Batch field when a test is run. (TE32 00734)

• It is now possible to add the T Test batch formula to a results spread sheet even when there is no data. (TE32 00735)

• Fixed GDI resource leak on the tab control used by the graph window, etc. (TE32 00736)

• Macro and Sequence views can now show line numbers in the program lists. (TE32 00737)

• When saving a document the first view of the document is brought to the front to help see what is being saved. (TE32 00738)

• The old generate curve function now always uses the , for list separators and a . for decimal point so it can work on European locales. (TE32 00739)

• Added an option in System Configuration that allow the use of the Window user name to log in to Exponent when started via OLE automation. This allows external application to start Exponent without user intervention and therefore better automation. (TE32 00740)

• Added the new App.ExitAppDelayed method so external programs can request that Exponent closes as soon as all automation references have been released. Also changed ExitApp so that the last reference can close Exponent without the need to implement the AppClosing event. (TE32 00741)

• The report is now refreshed before a macro command exports it to PDF. (TE32 00742)

• If a runtime error occurs in the macros embedded BASIC script while stepping through the macro, the error is displayed in the editor and the file can now be edited to fix the problem. (TE32 00743)

• Custom formula rows are now restricted to row 5 and greater so they don’t cause problems. (TE32 00744)

• Startup now checks for the presence of the splash window as well as main window to determine if another instance is running to reduce problems caused by multiple mouse clicks on the icon. (TE32 00745)


• PFA Small vessel sample results files updated

• New application studies and associated projects added to sample files

4,0,8,0 (12th February 2008)

• The Cancel button on the “Goto Last Value” macro command now aborts the search. (TE32 00721)

• Fixed closing a floating window closed the application. (TE32 00722)

• Speeded up the loading process especially on single core CPUs. (TE32 00723)

• Fixed selecting a COM port failure saying “The COM port is already open by another application ...”. (TE32 00724)

4,0,7,0 (1st February 2008)

• Fixed problem with inserting fields into a table. (TE32 00707)

• Pictures added to a report are now resized to fit the page or table cell if they are too big. (TE32 00708)

• Graph Text objects now have an option for rounded corners and a shadow. (TE32 00709)

• Graph Text objects now have an option to automatically size to fit the text. (TE32 00710)

• Speeded up the Reports PDF export. (TE32 00711)

• Results Graph objects border style now has rounded corners and a shadow. (TE32 00712)

• The Find function in the Macro window now remembers what was last searched for. (TE32 00713)

• The Fine Next function now works in the Macro window. (TE32 00714)

• All the Macro commands that move the cursor now move an “activated” Anchor. (TE32 00715)

• New BASIC commands Get485Decimal and Set485Decimal added. These are used for the revised resistance module calibration for better resolution. (TE32 00716)

• Fixed problem where zooming in on the graph with the mouse wheel until it could be zoomed no more was preventing the wheel from un-zooming. (TE32 00717)

• Fixed problem with user 6 to user 10 units menu. (TE32 00718)

• Fixed problem with trail zeros being removed from values without a decimal place in the preferences window. (TE32 00719)

• Fixed problem with preferences window tabs going out of sync with data types when the the data types were removed from the system but saved in a project. (TE32 00720)

4,0,6,0 (3rd December 2007)

• New report template used for sample projects. The old template is now called old template.rps and is installed into the Alternative Reports folder.

• Updated majority of help files to chm format for Vista compatibility.

• mOhms added to Aux channel for resistance module. (TE32 00688)

• When a macro was run from the macro window, the Generate Curve command was remembering the first anchor numbers it used and then re-using them every time. (TE32 00689)

• It was possible to get a GPF when opening a file if the recent file list (MRU) was not constructed. (TE32 00690)

• Projects were not opening from the log-in window. (TE32 00691)

• Improved compatibility with Vista by launching Exponent from the setup program so it has full admin rights and pre-creating all global keys so everyone can access them. (TE32 00692)

• If no users exist when Exponent starts the Add User window is automatically displayed. (TE32 00693)

• The first parameter in the Graph - Info - TO. Settings view was not displayed when the filter was set to “Settable Variables”. (TE32 00694)

• There was an errant value in the PT100 conversion table causing a 1C error in values between 81C and 82C. (TE32 00695)

• Nested #ELSE statements could prevent the end of the outer #IF search from completing in the sequences. (TE32 00696)

• Filenames are no longer converted to upper case when a file is loaded and then saved. (TE32 00697)

• The “Open File” macro command will now fail silently if the “Set Fail Flag” option is set. (TE32 00698)

• Results files saved with the “Save File / Save As File” macro command will now update the open document to reflect the new name. (TE32 00699)

• The reports Decimal TAB stop now recognises the comma when configured as the systems decimal character. (TE32 00702)

• The reports field for “Results - Complete Column” now works and the help file has been updated with examples of it’s use. (TE32 00704)

• Added the Word Wrap option to the reports paragraph formatting. (TE32 00706)

4,0,5,0 (7th September 2007)

• Fixed problem with performing calculations on RS485 weight data where the “Insufficient Data” error message was displayed. (TE32 00674)

• Added Units option to Macro’s Mark Value command. (TE32 00675)

• Added the following methods to the BASIC CommPort object: IsOpen, DTR, RTS, XON_OFF, ClearReadBuffer, ClearWriteBuffer, InCharCount, ReadLine, ClearErrors. (TE32 00676)

• ARC info button now works for .blo files. (TE32 00677)

• The calibrate height command now allows higher forces, requires firmware version 0.01172. (TE32 00680)

• The Macro Change Units command dialog box now shows Macro Change Units as the caption. (TE32 00681)

• It was not possible to change the column units in a results file when there was no data in the spreadsheet. (TE32 00682)

• The Test Configuration window browse options for File ID and Path were not using the current settings to initialise the file browser. (TE32 00683)

• Added new system variable %_ACTIVE_GRAPH_PATH_%, %_ACTIVE_GRAPH_NAME_%, %_PROJECT_REPORT_% and %_PROJECT_RESULTS_%. (TE32 00684)

• If there was an error in a macros BASIC script the script window could be left open but not attached to the macro. (TE32 00685)

• It is now possible to use break points in the macros BASIC scripts when the macro is run from the editor. (TE32 00686)

• The spreadsheet functions that use a list separator now use the character specified in Windows regional settings. (TE32 00687)

4,0,4,0 (7th June 2007)

• New BASIC command Refresh added to ReportInterface. (TE32 00649)

• The BASIC ReportInterface and ResultsInterface Open commands now select the document if it is already open. (TE32 00650)

• The Project list now indicates missing files with a red cross. (TE32 00651)

• Search and Replace commands added to reports. (TE32 00652)

• The X-Axis title could disappear below the edge of the window when large fonts are used. (TE32 00653)

• It was possible to add a footnote to a report without specifying any attributes which would leave strange characters that could not be deleted. (TE32 00654)

• Report fields could get deleted if the data text is empty. (TE32 00655)

• Using a % in the Store Variable macro command generated an error message. (TE32 00656)

• Project Parameters of type Boolean now use BASIC True and False correctly. (TE32 00657)

• Check Pressure and Probe Control windows showed g instead of Inch of Water when DrDIS attached. (TE32 00658)

• The project notes are now displayed from the top when the window is opened. (TE32 00659)

• Added a test button to the RS485 configuration window for easy checking of settings and connection. (TE32 00660)

• Break Points added to macro window for easier testing of macros. (TE32 00661)

• Mouse wheel now zooms in and out of graph. (TE32 00662)

• Enhanced GetParameterValue and GetParameterText BASIC commands to support Date/Time parameters. (TE32 00663)

• Cursor box text now refreshed when BASIC SetPreferences Command applied to a graph. (TE32 00664)

• New BASIC command, CursorBoxDataTypes, added to Preferences object to get / set the cursor box data types. (TE32 00665)

• New BASIC command, CursorBoxUnits, added to Preferences object to get / set the cursor box units. (TE32 00666)

• If the Relative Humidity parameter was capture automatically from an RS485 device the value was 1000 times to small. (TE32 00667)

• Time display in graph info now includes seconds. (TE32 00668)

• Added BASIC commands to Project object, GetFileName and GetFilePath. (TE32 00669)

• Added BASIC command to App object, DecodeSystemVariables to convert the system variables into their text. (TE32 00670)

• Old DR DIS (.BLO) files was reported as coming from XTRAD instead of DR DIS. (TE32 00671)

• X-Axis and Y-Axis intercept values were incorrect when added to the results spreadsheet. (TE32 00672)

• Added support for new, larger volume, DR DIS. (TE32 00673)

4,0,3,0 (19th March 2007)

• A TAB character in a sequence string variable could cause a GPF when a test was run. (TE32 00648)

• The firmware supplied in 4,0,2,0 was incomplete. Do not use firmware version 0.01168. New firmware 0.01169 is supplied with this update.

4,0,2,0 (16th March 2007)

• The calibrate force function now works with older firmware again. (TE32 00644)

• It was possible to get a bad entry in the most recently used file menu that caused Exponent to GPF. (TE32 00646)

• Added a new BASIC command (TA.GetParameterEx) to get TA system information. (TE32 00647)

4,0,1,0 (9th December 2008)

• It is now possible to use a few commands to position the cursor, etc while the macro Pause command is active. (TE32 00552)

• Copy Project function now automatically adds the .prj extension. (TE32 00572)

• Copy Project function now removes references to workspaces so they do not generate errors when the project is opened. (TE32 00573)

• Density units are now of the form Kg/mm³ instead of Kg. (TE32 00574)

• The Adjust For Buoyancy calculation was not working. (TE32 00575)

• The users language was not remembered when the user was first added. (TE32 00576)

• On some graphs when you zoomed in then scrolled around and then zoomed out the X-Axis labels where shifted off the bottom of the view. (TE32 00577)

• If all the cells in the results file were selected when using the Add Batch Formula function then some of the rows and columns were deleted. (TE32 00578)

• The correct file types are now shown in the Save As window when a Report is exported via the “Save / Save As” macro command. (TE32 00579)

• Deleting a user now delete the security files so that the user can be added back in without generating errors. (TE32 00580)

• New BASIC command added to the GraphDocument object “RemoveGraph” to remove the specified graph from the document / view. (TE32 00581)

• Results window is now opened in the minimised state when being opened by adding a new result. (TE32 00582)

• The macro command “Display Message” now supports “\n” to insert a new line. (TE32 00583)

• New BASIC command “GetMaxMin” added to TestData object to find the max and min values. (TE32 00584)

• New BASIC command “MarkValue” added to the GraphDocument object. (TE32 00585)

• New BASIC command “DoCalculation” added to the GraphDocument object. (TE32 00586)

• New BASIC command “GetResultInfo” added to the GraphDocument object. (TE32 00587)

• New BASIC command “MoveAnchor” added to the Graph object. (TE32 00588)

• The security log database is now password protected. (TE32 00589)

• Changing the TA variable values from BASIC now makes the sequence download when the next test runs so the changes are used. (TE32 00590)

• New BASIC command “IsLoadingOrRestarting” added to Project object. (TE32 00591)

• New BASIC command “SendTextEx” added to the TA object that returns the text string received from the XTPlus. (TE32 00592)

• When Exponent is started via OLE automation most of the information windows, etc are suppressed so the automation flow is not interrupted more than necessary. (TE32 00593)

• A user defined filter has been added to the Generate Curve pre-defined functions list to make it easier to find functions. (TE32 00594)

• Sequence checking was incorrectly warning about missing END TEST commands in sub-routines. (TE32 00595)

• New BASIC command “ModifiedFlagStatus” added to Project object. (TE32 00596)

• New BASIC command “LoadSequence” added to Project object. (TE32 00597)

• The T Test Formula was not giving any results. (TE32 00598)

• New BASIC command “ActiveResultsDoc” added to App object. (TE32 00599)

• New BASIC command “Redraw” added to ResultsInterface object. (TE32 00600)

• New BASIC command “GetReasonLastTestEnded” added to App object and event Graph_TestFinished added. Requires firmware version 0.01164 for full functionality.(TE32 00601)

• g/mm² unit added to Stress. (TE32 00602)

• The Graph_TestComplete event is now fired before the auto save and end of test macro run. (TE32 00603)

• The BASIC command “Save” of the Graph interface would show an error if the graph had not already been saved. (TE32 00604)

• The BASIC command “Save As” of the Graph interface would show an error if an empty filename was passed in. (TE32 00605)

• New BASIC command “SelectGraph” added to GraphDocument object. (TE32 00606)

• New BASIC command “CreateAverage” added to GraphDocument object. (TE32 00607)

• Fixed problem with some importing some Exceed macro commands. (TE32 00608)

• Added option to Area macro command to include the data point at the second anchor. (TE32 00609)

• Stopped wait cursor appearing every 2 seconds when no TA connected. (TE32 00610)

• Fixed problem where distance data was inverted when smooth line function used on Expert / exceed graphs. (TE32 00611)

• New BASIC command “IsExpertExceedGraph” added to Graph object. (TE32 00612)

• Add option to firmware information window to group information by related items. Requires firmware version 0.01164. (TE32 00613)

• Added error message if GenerateCurve failed to create any data. (TE32 00614)

• Added the parameter IDs that BASIC uses to the Graph Info tabs for easy reference and the list are now sorted by the ID to keep a consistent order. (TE32 00615)

• If the option to view the Project Notes when opened is set they are now displayed before the macro is auto run. (TE32 00617)

• The active graph is now drawn on top off all the other graphs so it does not get hidden. (TE32 00618)

• An new option has been added to fade inactive graphs so the active graph stands out better. (TE32 00619)

• Aborting the Frame Deflection Calibration was leaving the progress window on screen. (TE32 00620)

• The macro fail flag was not being set when a test ended due to a stop condition. (TE32 00621)

• The generate curve function was duplicating the PPS variable after the curve was generated. (TE32 00622)

• The MEC macro now calculates the initial estimates for the curve fitting instead of being fixed values. (TE32 00623)

• New BASIC commands added to ResultsInterface: CellText, CellValue, CellFormula for getting and setting cell data. (TE32 00624)

• New BASIC command Protected added to ResultsInterface to get / set the cell protection of user sheets. (TE32 00625)

• New BASIC command InsertSheet added to ResultsInterface to add new user sheets. (TE32 00626)

• New BASIC command SheetName added to ResultsInterface to get / set the name of user sheets. (TE32 00627)

• New BASIC command FindSheet added to ResultsInterface to Find the index of named user sheets. (TE32 00628)

• New BASIC command ActiveSheet added to ResultsInterface to get / set the index of the active user sheets. (TE32 00629)

• It is now possible to set the Frame Deflection Calibration speed to optimise it for the type of test being performed. (TE32 00630)

• Converted the following help files to compiles HTML format (.chm) for comparability with Vista: TEE22.chm, TEE32VB.chm, Calibration.chm, ProbeCalib.chm, BendCalib.chm. (TE32 00631)

• The macro command “Change Test Run Setting” was not remembering that a variable was selected for “Batch”. (TE32 00632)

• Expanded the file string buffer for the file open dialog so more files can be selected in one go. (TE32 00633)

• Added the options: “Start Number Format”, “Auto-Create Batch Dir” and “Use File ID For Batch” to the Macro Run A Test Settings command. (TE32 00634)

• The probe area is now displayed in the probe information window. (TE32 00635)

• New BASIC object added CommPort that provides access to read and write to a PC serial port. (TE32 00636)

• The TA clock is now automatically synchronised with the PC clock when the communications are established. (TE32 00637)

• The File ID can now cope better with a single % when not used as part of the System Variable name. (TE32 00638)

• Copying a zoomed in graph could cause the pasted metafile to draw outside the box. (TE32 00639)

• Added BASIC property to the App object to get and set the Force filter for new tests. (TE32 00640)

• Added an option to the results spreadsheet to hide the data rows so that just the formula rows are visible. (TE32 00641)

• The wait for temperature in the standard sequences is now optional and incorporates a zone to allow for situations where the target temperature is never quite reached. (TE32 00642)

• Frame deflection options now selectable from the T.A. Settings window for the standard tests. (TE32 00643)

• New BASIC command SetParameterText added to Graph object so text parameters can be modified.

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3,0,5,0 (22nd August 2006)

• Added new macro command “Open File” that can open results or report files. (TE32 00235)

• Report export was not appending file extension to the exported file. (TE32 00567)

• Fixed Go to value - Time in seconds. (TE32 00568)

• Fixed relative data values that had an initial value less than 0.05 (TE32 00569)

• Ref. Min. line value was not restored correctly from registry. (TE32 00571)

3,0,4,0 (10th August 2006)

• Deleting a graph in one view when a second view can not then display any graphs due to invalid axis type can cause GPFs when further actions are taken such as dropping anchors. (TE32 00542)

• The generate curve function now works with X data other than time. (TE32 00543)

• The R2 value from the new curve fitting method is now available to the Macro and in the graph info. (TE32 00544)

• The fit between anchors option was not working for the new fitting method. (TE32 00545)

• Weight data type has been separated from Force and the units have N replaced with mg as Newtons do not apply to a weight and mg was required. (TE32 00546)

• If the plotted line makes a loop then dragging the highlighted anchor snapped it to the top line of the plot. The anchor is now placed on the point nearest the mouse location. (TE32 00547)

• If a user curve is generated with the Generate Curve function, with the fit between anchors option on, then now the plot is updated when one of the anchors that was used is moved. (TE32 00548)

• The data set created by the generate curve function can now be limited to a specified time and the PPS can be specified. (TE32 00549)

• User name was being appended to end of macro and project names in the list. (TE32 00550)

• Option to show user defined Max and Min lines on the graph with optional shading of out-of-bounds region. (TE32 00553)

• If all the Y axis values are positive then the axis is shifted up the page when a graph is printed via a report. (TE32 00555)

• New BASIC command added “Send485String” that send a string on the RS485 bus and gets a return string. Firmware version 0.01159 required. (TE32 00556)

• Now, Dropping an anchor in one window only draws the anchor in other windows if the same file is active. (TE32 00557)

• Generate Curve variables that are set to show in results are now displayed in the results tab of the graph window. (TE32 00558)

• Force units have mN option added. (TE32 00559)

• The Variable reference for the Advance Cursor Macro command was not being saved. (TE32 00560)

• Zero Point Correction now works for Tension curves provided they are setup to appear in the top right quadrant. (TE32 00561)

• Added an interface to access the built in models of the Generate Curve engine. New toolbar buttons added to the Graph Toolbar but this toolbar will need to be reset to make them appear. (TE32 00562)

• Added ChangeScales Macro command that configures the Max, Min, Auto and Link options for any axis. (TE32 00563)

• Relaxed the file name characters validation to allow ASCII characters 127 to 255 for European characters. (TE32 00564)

• The report export folder and filename now default to the %_DP_REPORTS_% and %_PARENT_NAME_% system variables if they have not been filled in before. (TE32 00565)

• The user probe database and picture folder is now located in the common application data folder to aid NT security issues. If the UserProbes.dat and UserPictures folder already exist in the Te32\Plugins folder then they will continue to be used. (TE32 00566)

3,0,3,0 (9th June 2006)

• The Macro editor context menus and the “My Folders” menus in the file open window were duplicating the entries each time the menu was displayed. (TE32 00541)

3,0,2,0 (8th June 2006)

• The Graph objects parameter Enable flag (‘Use’ option) is now set automatically when the BASIC command is used to set the value of the parameter. Plus there is now a BASIC command to get / set the Enable flag. (TE32 00515)

• If the Macro option to use the filename as the title is set then this is now obeyed correctly by the peek function so the project manager gets the correct information for the macro lists. This ensures the correct macro name is used after a project copy. (TE32 00520)

• A new BASIC command has been added to convert PT100 resistance to temperature in centigrade. (TE32 00521)

• Fixed a problem with black boxes in some dialogs when the XP Classic theme was used. (TE32 00522)

• Fixed problem with opening projects from the help file when the Project bar was unpinned. (TE32 00523)

• Added commands to the File - Project menu to open the report and results specified in the project. (TE32 00524)

• Enhanced the Report Export function to make it possible to automate. (TE32 00525)

• Enhanced the Macro “Save File” command so it can export reports. (TE32 00526)

• Fixed a problem with adding user defined probes on some PC’s. (TE32 00527)

• Fixed “Prompt At Runtime” problem with Product Height. (TE32 00528)

• Fixed the problem with random “The graph notes have been modified” messages appearing when switching graphs. (TE32 00529)

• Fixed a GPF when big pictures were added to the graph or project notes. (TE32 00530)

• The “Save File / Save As” macro command now displays an error message and aborts the macro if the save fails. (TE32 00531)

• The items at the top of the graph info lists are now restored after selecting a different curve to make it easier to compare. (TE32 00532)

• Fixed auto scaling problem with AED dB data. (TE32 00533)

• The graph Export to text file function had the Plotted Points and All Points options swapped. (TE32 00534)

• The cursor followed the all points data even when the plot ratio was set higher so it appeared to float in air. (TE32 00535)

• File information such as format version, security setting and owner are now displayed in the file open dialog and the macro manager. (TE32 00536)

• The ESM inactivity lockout was held off if the mouse was left over the Exponent window due to spurious mouse move message being sent which are now ignored. (TE32 00537)

• The user name check is no longer case sensitive so the confusing message displayed after unlocking the interface is not displayed. (TE32 00538)

• Results file batch formulae were not updating if the Start Batch text was translated. (TE32 00539)

• Speeded up loading of large results files. (TE32 00540)

3,0,1,0 (21st April 2006)

• New Report engine. This has a new field editor that makes it much quicker to insert fields by drag-n-drop plus it adds the ability to export to PDF and RTF, as well as many other new features. Old reports can be loaded but may suffer some reformatting issues so they may need to be tidied up and re-saved. (TE32 00026)

• Fixed problem where defining a macro variable that has the same name as the start of an existing variable just selected the existing variable. (TE32 00478)

• Fixed drawing problem when the second Y-Axis was set to Sync. with the main Y-Axis when running a new test. (TE32 00479)

• Selecting all the rows in a results files and using the Delete Selection command was corrupting the file. (TE32 00480)

• The CreateResultsInfo BASIC command did not work if the variable containing the value was DIM’d. (TE32 00481)

• Added BASIC command SetActiveGraph to the graph document object to select the active curve in a view. (TE32 00482)

• Added BASIC command ShowGraph to the graph document object to show / hide a curve in a view. (TE32 00483)

• Added BASIC command GetAnchorTime to the graph object. (TE32 00484)

• Added Strain to the goto Parallel Line Intercept. (TE32 00485)

• The BASIC command GetHighlightedAnchors was sometimes returning the values in the second anchor variables when there was only one anchor selected. (TE32 00486)

• The Aux Mapping window showed blacked out boxes on NT4. (TE32 00487)

• If a project had protected entries in the files section and you changed an unprotected file reference it displayed the error message that you can not change protected items. (TE32 00488)

• New macro commands “Get Graph Information” and “Get TA Variable” have ben added. (TE32 00117)

• Added a new option to capture from 4 byte RS485 devices (requires firmware version 0.01157 or later). (TE32 00489)

• New option in ESM that locks out an account after x days of inactivity (does not apply to admin accounts). (TE32 00490)

• Fixed problem where some of the TA Sequence end of loop commands where not reducing the indent in the list. (TE32 00491)

• The sequence view in the graph info tab now shows all sub routines. (TE32 00492)

• New visual themes are available via the File - Preferences - User - Miscellaneous window. (TE32 00493)

• Project window now has an auto hide option via a pin on the title bar. (TE32 00494)

• Two new BASIC commands added to get application paths and user info. (TE32 00495)

• The Zero Point Correction function was not working on Exponent graphs. (TE32 00496)

• The mark value function for the RS485 %RH was only adding the result from the first graph to the spread sheet. (TE32 00497)

• Cursor box units are now remembered even when a project is not setup. (TE32 00498)

• The Graphs Raw View now moves the cursor in the graph view when a cell is clicked on. (TE32 00499)

• There are now three options for the Graphs Raw View row time base to allow the old format or two new formats that help align the data points in time. (TE32 00500)

• The Graphs Raw View now draws a red line between each graphs group of columns to make them easier to identify and the Graph windows active curve has red text in the titles. (TE32 00501)

• Selecting a graph in the graph window would scroll the columns in the raw view so the active curve started on the left but the scroll bar was not being updated so it appeared that the files were being removed. Now the columns are only scrolled if the curve is not visible in the window and the scroll bar is being updated. (TE32 00502)

• Added new BASIC command to Export reports to PDF and RTF. (TE32 00503)

• Added new BASIC command to print the report without displaying a print dialog box. (TE32 00504)

• Exporting graphs to BMP and JPG now supports a graph name legend. (TE32 00505)

• The Raw Data view was not re-ordered when the graph order was changed in the file list. (TE32 00506)

• Info and Error message logged during a test are now saved with the curve a viewed in the graph window Info panel. (TE32 00507)

• The project filename and path are now stored in the graph info of new test. (TE32 00508)

• A comma was always being used to separate cell references which caused problems on European PC’s. The list separator is now read from the PC. (TE32 00509)

• A picture can now be specified for user probes. (TE32 00510)

• The security privileges of the Application data folder are now inherited by all new files and folders within it which should prevent problems previously experienced by non-administrator windows users. (TE32 00511)

• Disabling the Process Data - Macro Edit command in the security settings now also disables all methods of opening a macro. (TE32 00512)

• Fixed up right click hotspots when large Axis Title fonts are used. (TE32 00513)

• Commands added to save and load toolbar configurations. (TE32 00514)

• The Project objects parameter Enable flag (‘Use’ option) is now set automatically when the BASIC command is used to set the value of the parameter. Plus there is now a BASIC command to get / set the Enable flag. (TE32 00515)

• The Zero Point Correction results were generating error when added to the results file. (TE32 00516)

• Running a macro in batch mode always generated an “Unknown Error” message for each graph processed. (TE32 00517)

• Copying the Macro’s Generate Curve command did not copy the function definition. (TE3200518)

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2,0,7,0 (29th November 2005)

• The strict password checking was not checking for duplicate consecutive characters (ESM only). (TE32 00449)

• Add top level item to “Disable Menu Items” tree so all the menus can be disabled / enable quickly. (TE32 00450)

• A top level node has been added to the Menu Security selection tree to enable quick toggling of all menu settings. (TE32 00451)

• User security level can not edit their own Full Name settings and Mangers can only edit Users Full Name. (TE32 00453)

• Can not longer Delete users when the ESM is installed. (TE32 00454)

• When the interface is locked due to idle timeout, only the logged in user or an administrator can unlock the interface (ESM only). (TE32 00455)

• The Hi-Lo-Close chart type is now optimised to show the maximum, minimum and mean of each batch. (TE32 00456)

• ARC files are now read back immediately after being saved to ensure integrity of the file. (TE32 00457)

• Improved handling of modified project sequence when displaying the T.A. Settings window and running a test. (TE32 00458)

• Added “Use ‘Value’ Setting” text to parameters option default setting so it is more obvious what the setting does. (TE32 00459)

• Added user definable colour to the data plotted on the second Y axis, selected via the file list. (TE32 00460)

• A message is displayed if the user that unlocks the interface is not the logged in user (ESM only). *TE32 00461)

• Changes to user security options now logged in the ESM event log. (TE32 00462 to TE32 00467)

• The normal.rsltmplt results template can be bypassed by holding down the shift key when opening a new document. (TE32 00468)

• The probe area was stored in the ARC files incorrectly if the units were not set mm2 in the Test Configuration Parameters tab. (TE32 00469)

• Changing the Menu Security settings was not selecting the custom profile so the changes were lost. (TE32 00470)

• Mark Value markers were not always displayed on the curve. (TE32 00471)

• New BASIC command CreateResultsInfo added to the Graph object that inserts the supplied data into the Info sheet of the results file. (TE32 00472)

• New BASIC command StripRTF added to the application object that strips the RTF formatting from a string. (TE32 00473)

• New BASIC command GetListText added to the T.A. Variables object that retrieves the option list text for the specified index. (TE3200474)

• New BASIC command IsVisible added to the T.A. Variables object that retrieves true if the variable was visible in the T.A. Settings window. (TE32 00475)

• New BASIC command GetUnitsText added to the T.A. Variables object that retrieves the units in text format. (TE32 00476)

• F4 shortcut key was always assigned to the Colours and Fonts option when the graph window was open instead of the user defined option. (TE32 00477)

2,0,6,0 (2nd September 2005)

• Fixed problem with running on an NT4 systems for the first time. (TE32 00431)

• Fixed checkbox background painting problem on NT4. (TE32 00433)

• Fixed problem when inserting a variable when no variable was selected. (TE32 00432)

• Check boxes did not paint the background properly on NT4 due to the XP themes support added to 2,0,5,0. (TE32 00433)

• When copying a project an option is provided to specify a new name for files that already exist. (TE32 00434)

• If the “Export” macro command was used with display results turned off Exponent would stop responding. (TE32 00435)

• The “Set Threshold” macro command was not displaying a caption in the run-time prompt. (TE32 00436)

• The file number can now be set to a negative number to prevent it being used or incremented after each test. (TE32 00437)

• Fixed the Smooth Curve function that was broken in 2,0,5,0. (TE32 00438)

• Fixed problem running Exponent on windows 95 / 98 / Me where the message “An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format” was displayed. (TE32 00439)

• Fixed problem when double clicking on a project in the root of the sample tree. (TE32 00440)

• The user tools where not appearing in the menu on NT4. (TE32 00441)

• The Generate Curve function is now added to the macro while recording. (TE32 00442)

• Dropping an Anchor while recording a macro was adding a superfluous Select Anchor command. (TE32 00443)

• Added a warning when clicking on the curve while recording a macro to show that the action can not be replicated. A comment is also added to the macro at the point the curve was clicked to assist in automating this part later. (TE32 00444)

• The AED corner frequency is now logged at the end of the test so it picks up any changes made by the sequence. (TE32 00445)

• Fixed a problem where some macro run-time dialogs windows could lock up Exponent when the Display Results option was off. (TE32 00446)

• Fixed a GPF when changing a graph window to a floating window while a report graph object was linked to it. (TE32 00447)

• Changes to the Default Paths settings were not being used until Exponent was restarted. (TE32 00448)

2,0,5,0 (25th July 2005)

• Added commands to move a file up or down the graph list. (TE32 00423)

• Added an option to the Reports Results object to allow a named results file to be used. (TE32 00424)

• Added an optional parameter to the BASIC Project.Load method to allow error message to be suppressed. (TE32 00425)

• Added a new BASIC command, RunATest, with options for displaying the parameters window and suppressing error messages. (TE32 00426)

• Added a new toolbar with buttons to switch between report headers and footers. (TE32 00427)

• A check is now made to ensure there is a valid Exponent account with the same name as the current Windows user name when the “Use Windows Username” login option is enabled. (TE32 00428)

• Added an option “Use File ID” in the Test Configuration window to set the Batch name to the same as the File ID (without the numbers). This option will be off for existing projects but on for new projects. (TE32 00429)

• Added an option to plot just dots (scatter graph style) to the Colours and Fonts window. (TE32 00430)

2,0,4,0 (8th June 2005)

• Second Y axis is now updated in real time during a test. (TE32 00050)

• The Auto-create folder option in the Run a Test window was not being remembered for old projects. (TE32 00411)

• Standard T.A. Sequence names can now be translated in the Library window. (TE32 00412)

• A new function has been added to copy a project and it’s components to a specified location. (TE32 00414)

• MEC project now shows the Work Softening for the first 10 cycles. (TE32 00415)

• The results spreadsheet formulas now recognise the correct decimal point character as specified by the Locale. (TE32 00416)

• The report’s field codes now allow a named results file to be used for the source of results so data can be incorporated from multiple spreadsheets. (TE32 00418)

• Stress and Strength units are now available in standard SI units like N/m, Pa, etc. (TE32 00419)

• Using the login windows Restart Project option could cause a GPF if a workspace was also trying to open windows. (TE32 00421)

• Results spreadsheet now allows extra sheets to be added for user data and formula, etc. (TE32 00422)

2,0,3,0 (18th May 2005)

• The distance data on Texture expert files is being inverted when the relative option is turned on. (TE32 00406)

• Range checking on Yield Offset does not work when command added to macro but does work when edited. (TE32 00407)

• Fixed a problem where the Anchors were not always being plotted when distance was on the X-Axis. (TE32 00408)

• Offset Yield graphics are now persistent until the graph is closed or the results are cleared. (TE32 00409)

2,0,2,0 (10th May 2005)

• Added ExitApp BASIC command to App object and AppClosed event. (TE32 00384)

• Added Restart BASIC command to Project object. (TE32 00385)

• The menu ID’s required for the PostMessage and SendMessage BASIC commands are now shown in the status bar when the shift key is held down while moving the mouse over the menu items. (TE32 00386)

• Sequence strings with new lines in didn’t work correctly. (TE32 00387)

• When projects are automatically added to the project list they had the version number included in the text. (TE32 00388)

• Cursor box items can be configured from the Graph Preferences window. (TE32 00389)

• Fixed a problem that could occur with the “Change Test Run Parameter” macro command that caused an error message. (TE32 00390)

• Added facility to embed string variables in the “Change Test Run Parameter” macro command for the options that uses text. (TE32 00391)

• Added options to specify the maximum number of iterations and regression tolerance to the new Generate Curve function. (TE32 00392)

• If there were two or more macros / projects in the list with the same name then the first one was run / edited regardless of which one was selected. (TE32 00393)

• New option to print TA Information on graph printout. (TE32 00394)

• The Anchor number target for the mouse was not correct for larger fonts. (TE32 00225)

• Checks for right clicks on Anchors now take priority to axis labels as they are the smallest target. (TE32 00395)

• Double clicking the projects in the project list sometimes caused a GPF which is now fixed. (TE32 00397)

• Double clicking a project in the list while a project was being restarted could cause a GPF. (TE32 00398)

• Increased the limits for the Graph - Copy image size to 9000 x 9000. (TE32 00399)

• Fixed erroneous Administrator problem with running a new installation on Windows ME. (TE32 00400)

• Added support for Texture Expert Project and T.A. Settings files. (TE32 00401)

• Load cell capacity report field now supports force units selection and other units problems in the report fields fixed. (TE32 00402)

• Fixed Area drawing problem so full area is now filled in on Force v Distance. (TE32 00403)

2,0,1,0 (1st April 2005)

• Filenames on graph prints where not always aligned properly. (TE32 00327)

• Creating an average of different length curves when distance does not start at zero produced strange effects. (TE32 00329)

• The filter setting recorded in the Graph info was from the previous test which is only a problem if the setting is changed. (TE32 00330)

• PT100 temperatures less than 50 centigrade could cause a GPF on some PC’s when aux channel plotted. (TE32 00331)

• Command added to send custom strings to a 485 device so we can control non MODBUS peripherals. (TE32 00332)

• When copying an “Execute BASIC....” command between macros, it now also copies the function in the script. (TE32 00333)

• Tidy scales function was upset in 2,0,0,9 so irregular increments where shown on the scales. (TE32 00334)

• The “Do Not Open a Project” and “Load Last Active Project” on the user selection screen are now translatable. (TE32 00335)

• The Enable and Disable in the TA Settings are now translatable. (TE32 00336)

• System security menu is now only available to Administrators even when ESM is not installed. (TE32 00337)

• Added a BASIC command to ResultsInterface object to export results data into the various formats. (TE32 00338)

• Disabled menus are now properly ignored for managers. (TE32 00339)

• The start row and column and number of rows and columns can now be specified in the Reports Results object. (TE32 00340)

• Calibrate Force and Height macro commands work again. (TE32 00341)

• Sequence logging now correctly reset after first test. (TE32 00342)

• Goto Event commands now allow 255 events. (TE32 00343)

• Sequence debug window had the Max and Min Distance flags reversed. (TE32 00344)

• Fixed GPF when automation client (e.g VB) opens TE32 and immediately destroys the object. (TE32 00345)

• Added CalibrateForce and CalibrateHeight commands to BASIC. (TE32 00346)

• BASIC events now compatible with VB6. (TE32 00347)

• T.A. Error messages suppressed if test run from a macro with the Show Errors not ticked. (TE32 00348)

• The Report’s Results object now supports all the results sheets (Info and Results). (TE32 00349)

• The Select Graph macro command was failing if no graph was active. (TE32 00350)

• A new method, DisplayTestConfig, has been added to the BASIC Project object. (TE32 00351)

• The BASIC command App.ActiveGraphDoc.Graph now accepts -1 as the parameter to get the active graph from the active view. (TE32 00352)

• Report fields now remember text formatting and the file name field shows the graph symbol if switched on in the graph window. (TE32 00353)

• Exceed project import now supports T.A. Settings. (TE32 00354)

• Running a macro would hide the probe control window but not restore it to it’s original state after a macro finished. (TE32 00355)

• The BASIC code warning is no longer displayed if the code is just the default template. (TE32 00356)

• Button added to Projects Title & Notes window to print the notes. (TE32 00357)

• Modifying the report field object properties was not setting the document modified flag so you could close the document without a prompt to save. (TE32 00358)

• The Generate Curve function now has a new curve fitting engine available that uses nonlinear regression to provide faster and more accurate solutions. Includes new sample macro and report that uses it for the MEC analysis so that exporting data to Excel is no longer required. (TE32 00359)

• Just “N/A” was displayed for report’s field codes that could not be found in the curve even if the caption was requested. More searching is now performed to try and locate the caption from other sources and if that still fails then the parameter ID is displayed. (TE32 00360)

• It was possible to get a GPF in Exponent after switching off data types in the plugin manager. (TE32 00361)

• Added second Y axis to graph’s Format menu and “Change Axis Type” macro command. (TE32 00362)

• Added command line option “/mix” that allows multiple instances of Exponent to be run with x specifying which COM port to use. Provided the PC is fast enough this allows multiple XTPlus’ to be used simultaneously on the same PC. (TE32 00363)

• Removed redundant controls from the graphs text properties window (TE32 00364)

• Added buttons to the macros “Execute Sax BASIC Script” commands properties window to add and edit functions. (TE32 00365)

• Recalculating peak count with a higher threshold now clears old peaks that are no longer required without manual refresh. (TE32 00366)

• Dropping a command at the end of the macro program now inserts it at the end. (TE32 00367)

• The default setting for Strain is now set to relative for new users as this is the most common requirment. (TE32 00368)

• Reduced the number of decimal places shown for speeds in minutes as they implied more accuracy than can be achieved. (TE32 00369)

• Allowed the axis values to be adjusted past the opposite end and automatically keep the same range or the other end valid. For example, if the max was 5 and the min was 4 then you set the max to 3, the min is automatically set to 2 to keep the same range. (TE32 00370)

• A space is automatically inserted after a new report field so typing can be continued with moving the cursor first. (TE32 00371)

• Clicking on the new logo when no documents are open will take you through the steps to set up and run a test. Some windows have been re-arrange to make the most used options appear at the top and more tooltips have been implemented to describe the fields. (TE32 00372)

• The Run a Test macro command is now called the Run a Test / Test Parameters command and has an option to set the options and then run the test or just set the options. (TE32 00373)

• The BASIC commands Send485data where timing out quicker than the XTPlus if no device was connected so they have been extended to 6 seconds. (TE32 00374)

• The options to change data types to capture in the Change Test Run Settings Macro command did not work. (TE32 00375)

• The Graph - Copy function now prompts for the size of the image and the Filename legend is now included in the copied image. The legend is also available as an option in Report Graph objects. (TE32 00376)

• The probe control window functions are now disabled when a test is running as they could produce strange problems. (TE32 00377)

• The Exit Application Macro command could of caused Exponent to lock up if the Cancel button is pressed on a prompt to save. The cancel buttons are now disabled as they should not be available n this situation. (TE32 00378)

• Fixed a problem with some Exceed files not displaying properly when relative distance was selected. (TE32 00379)

• Added a BASIC command, GetEvent, to the graph object to get marked events. (TE32 00380)

• Graph objects in Reports could spill out of the box when printed if they were inserted as characters and the graphs were zoomed in. (TE32 00381)

• Double clicking on a filename when inserting a graph could cause the zoom mode to be invoked as the mouse up and mouse move events from the double click were sent to the graph window. (TE32 00382)

• Colours for Area, Gradient, etc where not working and using reset to default colours would GPF on some tabs. (TE32 00383)

The following use the old numbering system where the last group of digits show the release number.

2,0,0,9 (30 July 2004)

• The BASIC command GetParameterValue would fail for some numeric parameters. (TE32 00292)

• Fixed a problem with the change axis macro commands. (TE32 0293)

• Improved speed of Generate Curve function when fitting using bracketing method. (TE32 00294)

• Added BASIC command to active and or create a specified results file by name. (TE32 00295)

• The save project command was prompting the user to add it to the project list even when it was already there. (TE32 00296)

• The word “None” no longer appears on the 2’nd Y axis when the graph is exported/copied as a picture or inserted into a report (TE32 00297)

• Options added to File- Preferences - User - Colour... options to set the thickness of the axes lines and plot lines. (TE32 00298)

• Pasting commands into a macro was not setting the document modified indicator so you were not prompted to save the document when it was closed. (TE32 00299)

• Enhanced the move up and down commands in the Macro editor to work with a block of selected lines. (TE32 00300)

• Added a Redo facility to the macro editor. (TE32 00301)

• A new Project Title was ignored if the “Use Filename” option was just disabled. (TE32 00302)

• Added new menu command to open video linked file that provides more error information. Only applies to video light plugin. (TE32 00303)

• Added facility to import Expression files. (TE32 00304)

• Fixed problem where last used graph preferences where interpreted incorrectly after units changed via menu (TE32 00305)

• Report window toolbars are now cleared when the report window is closed. (TE32 00306)

• The warning about BASIC scripts has been modified so you can enable the script straight away. The warning now only appears when the sequence or macro is loaded. (TE32 00307)

• Adding curves to average, max and min curves did not appear to work when fast plotting routines were used. (TE32 00308)

• The ratio calculation sometimes showed the wrong value in a results file when used within a macro. (TE32 00309)

• The macro command “Create Directory” will no longer show an error message if the “Set Fail Flag” option is set and the command does not fail if the folder already exists. (TE32 00310)

• Button added to the run time prompts for the macro commands “Create Directory” and “Run A Test Setting - File Path” to show a directory browser. (TE32 00311)

• The Auto Detect button on the aux configuration window now detects a PT100 if it is connected. (TE32 00312) 

• Exponent would cause a GPF if it was closed while a project was being re-started. (TE32 00313)

• The maximum test time was not being setup until the graph window was re-drawn which could cause macro commands to fail after a quick test run command. (TE32 00314)

• Selecting an anchor that was already selected did not shift it to the last selection so it could be replaced by the next selection. E.g. Select A1 then select A2 - A1 and A2 selected, next select A1 and then select A3 and A2 and A3 selected instead of A1 and A3. (TE32 00315)

• Changed the text from “All Graphs” to Visible Graphs” to provide a more accurate description of the function. The function is still the same. Also fixed a problem with the Full Name field in colour mode were the path was not being shown due the \ characters confusing the RTF format. (TE32 00316)

• Text objects now remember the last size parameters entered into the configuration window. (TE32 00317)

• The default paths systems variables were not working. (TE32 00318)

• Added a menu button to the Create Directory macro commands properties window to assist with selecting systems variables. (TE32 00319)

• Results print preview caused GPF if no printers are installed. (TE32 00320)

• Allowed manual scale adjustments via right clicking on axis values while in zoom mode. (TE32 00321)

• Corrected spelling mistake for “Disabled” in standard TA Settings sequences. (TE32 00322)

• If errors exist in BASIC scripts the editor is now displayed and the offending line is highlighted. (TE32 00323)

• The TA Settings count type maximum has been extended to 20000000 as the XTPlus can cope with that. (TE32 00324)

• The graph cursor would move to a hidden curve when the curve was selected. (TE32 00325)

• The BASIC command SendMessage(teWM_COMMAND, 32853, 0) can now be used to remove the active file even when the script is called from a macro, but not when a macro is running at other times. (TE32 00326)

2,0,0,8 (23 April 2004)

• Text object last format is now saved and reused for new objects. (TE32 00276)

• The warning message about BASIC scrip in macro being produced on another PC was not displayed (TE32 00277).

• Login passwords were ignored if ESM was not enabled (TE32 00279).

• Added option to link Project, Macro and Sequence titles to the filename (TE32 00280).

• Projects can be automatically added to the project list when they are saved. A prompt has been incorporated into this and the macro adding to give you the choice before they are added (TE32 00281).

• Tooltip for graph list now appears below the mouse pointer so that it does not obscure the file being pointed at (TE32 00282).

• Changed the Menu list in the security options a tree view (TE32 00283).

• Allowed adding of users via the admin window even when there is no Default profile and automatically open options window after user added (TE32 00284).

• Fixed missing text from Data 1 label in graph info. (TE32 00285).

• Stop Macro was not enabled when macro window was active (TE32 00286).

• The %_PARENT_PATH_% system variable now equates to the path of the macro when used in macro variables etc (TE32 00287).

• A delay was required in BASIC after calling RunMacro and before IsMacroRunning else a false condition was reported (TE32 00288).

• Added a warning message if the project / macro manger .lib file could not be written too (TE32 00289).

• Selecting a macro to open that was already opened creates another copy of the macro instead of activating the one that is already loaded (TE32 00290).

2,0,0,7 (25 February 2004)

• Added option to specify application global data folder (TE32 00269).

• Saving files that were created in older version would loose the variable names (TE32 00271).

• Text in the macros variable prompt window was not being translated (TE32 00272).

• Enhanced the macro command “Create Directory” so that it can now create a complete path structure (TE32 00273).

• Copy and Paste a “Display Message” macro command from one macro to another causes a GPF if the message does not already exist in the new macro (TE32 00274)

• Adding a new user that has a similar name to an existing user, e.g adding Jo when Joseph exists, meant the name did not appear in the user list. (TE32 00275)

2,0,0,6 (3 February 2004)

• Results spreadsheet had a problem when changing units where only the first row of data was changed (TE32 00243).

• User calibration was not possible on load cells that had never been calibrated before as the User option in the calibration window would not stick (TE32 00244).

• Units drop list in Results modify column window was being reset to force units if the entry in the Type drop list was selected again. (TE32 00246).

• Standard comments in sequence variables are now selectable from a list and translatable. (TE32 00247)

• File Open thumbnails were not being displayed. (TE32 00248)

• Check force window now has option of grams or Kilograms. (TE32 00249)

• Running a test could cause a GPF on Windows 98 when the XTPlus had older firmware. (TE32 00250)

• Cursor box drop list can sometimes contain duplicate items. (TE32 00251)

• Count peaks values were dividing by 1000 when stored in the results file after the second row. (TE32 00252)

• Sometimes unavailable data types appear on the 2’nd Y Axis as random lines. (TE32 00253)

• Fixed Drag and Drop problem when files where dropped on the file list. (TE32 00254)

• Changing the video offset now sets the document modified flag so the save buttons is active. (TE32 00255)

• Selecting the Simple Login option was unnecessarily verifying that the Windows User Name was an Exponent user name. (TE32 00256)

• Some parameters in the Graph Info were showing the wrong caption. (TE32 00257)

• If a file is opened from a floppy disk and then the floppy disk removed you cannot close the window until the floppy disk is re-inserted. (TE32 00258)

• The system variables were not being expanded when used in the Name box of Create Average, Max-Min, Smooth Line and Copy Section. (TE32 00259)

• The Copy Section macro command was getting stuck in a loop. (TE32 00260)

• Adding results of Compare Max-Min and Compare Average to results file caused a GPF. (TE32 00261)

• Graphs that have been created by the Copy Section command cannot be processed by Generate Curve function, as there are no User Data Types listed to store the new curve in. (TE32 00262)

• When creating an average or Max-Min etc, if the path does not exist it is created in the root of the C drive instead of the path given. (TE32 00263)

• Pasting a TA Variable that uses a BASIC conversion function into the sequence causes a GPF. (TE32 00265)

• Selecting the menu command to debug the graph sequence caused a GPF when there were no graphs loaded. (TE32 00266)

• After loading a sequence containing a BASIC script with a different HD ID every sequence loaded will report the security warning. (TE32 00267)

2,0,0,5 (3 December 2003)

• Added extra BASIC commands to App object to open a file and activate the window (TE32 00238).

• Added BASIC ResultsInterface object (TE32 0023

• Added support for load cell Factory calibration. (Requires Firmware 0.01138 for both processors and factory calibrated load cells). (XT+ 00006 & TE32 00237)

• Fixed problem if communications fails while get firmware information at the start of a test. (TE32 00240)

• Fixed problem when running on Chinese versions Windows. (TE32 00241)

• Batch identifier was always displayed as 1000 on printouts. (TE32 00242)

2,0,0,4 (29 October 2003)

• Deleting a sub-routine from a sequence was not re-aligning the calls to other sub-routines that appear on the tabs to the right of the deleted one.

• Fixed GPF when Results menu dropped while all graphs were hidden.

• Fixed a problem with the mark force SS column has 2 forces in the data type combo box when doing a column modify in the SS.

• The Linear distance command has been changed to allow any data type to be specified.

• RAW view was not displaying User data columns.

• RAW view was missing the last data row.

• Generate Curve function can now access Force, Distance, etc data from the curve using the new GetCurveData and GetCurveDataInUnits functions.

• Added PI as a constant to the Generate Curve function.

• Performing calculations on Generated curves now uses the specified title for the results column heading.

• Fixed problem with Clear Graph Results macro command when multiple copies of the graph window were open.

• Fixed some problems importing Exceed macros that had Cross Correlation commands in.

• Fixed problem importing old macros that had Force Maximum and Linear Distance commands in.

• Activating an Anchor now moves the cursor to that position.

• Double right clicking a graph window with the grid visible and no data selected fort the second Y-axis would cause a GPF.

• Re-Starting a project could leave the toolbars and menus confused depending on the windows that where opened.

• Opening a workspace at start-up could leave the toolbars and menus confused depending on the windows that where opened.

• Opening a workspace that had a graph window with multiple graphs in would fail.

• Double clicking a project in the project lists now loads and then re-starts the project. Also the project loaded message is now in a bubble instead of a message box and does not require a response.

• Warning about auto-hidden curves is no longer displayed when a Macro is running.

• A request to read the safety information in the getting started guide is now displayed once for each user.

• Added teFile_Open constant to the BASIC PostMessage command.

• Fixed some popup menus that where not translating.

• Fixed a problem that sometimes happened when opening a workspace that had multiple graph files in a window.

• Added T-Test to results spreadsheet.

• Updated Plug-in manager to create UserDataType plug-ins as required.

2,0,0,3 (22 August 2003)

• Volumic mass calculation was using Volume / Mass instead of Mass / Volume.

• The Adjust data command was ignoring the data type selection and only operating on the Y-Axis data.

• Trying to exit TE32 while it was still starting up caused GPF’s.

• Suppressed Project start-up message if project loaded and restarted from the command line.

• Holding down the SHIFT key while opening certain windows resets them to the default position. This is useful if you have moved a window off screen so it is not reachable. 

• Default format in Results file was not showing the negative sign.

• Cursor would not step along with arrow keys if RS485 data were displayed on the second Y-axis.

• Improved resilience to serial communications timeouts when send the sequence to the XTPlus (Requires Firmware 0.01136 for the Comms processors).

• Added user definable pre-test questions that are presented to the user either when the first test is run or when every test is run.

• Added options to Generate Curve function to speed up the curve fitting process.

• Added a Macro command to execute the Generate curve function. If a Macro variable exists with the same name as Function Definition variables then it will be used to generate the curve.

• The Force Maxima command has been changed to Maxima allowing any data type to be specified.

• The Force Minima command has been changed to Minima allowing any data type to be specified.

• Problem with results from the last graph being left in the results panel even when no curve is on display is fixed.

• Fixed a units conversion problem with the Adjust data command.

• Fixed a problem with the batch macro menu option, which prevented multiple curves being loaded.

• Fixed a problem with the Combined Temp/Humidity temperature channel is not subtracting the offset of 50.

• Fixed a problem with nested IF macro commands that have ELSE macro commands in them.

• Fixed a problem when converting an Adjust Data macro command from Texture Expert Exceed to the Exponent 32 format.

• The Cross Correlation command now shows the anchors numbers used in the results.

• Fixed several problems with specifying which results of the Cross Correlation will be recorded.

• Holding down the shift key while inserting a Macro command force the properties window to open for the command.

2,0,0,2 (25 July 2003)

• Updated the Project and Macro Manager file browser to the Windows new all in one style tree view.

• Fixed user defined units functions as not all the parameters were being passed into the in BASIC script.

• Old format macros that had Export commands in could not be loaded.

• Prompt option added to Macro Smooth Line command.

• Replace current adjustment option added to Adjust Data command. This provides compatibility with both Exponent version 1 and Texture Expert Exceed.

• The second Y-axis hotspots where not being initialised if they were not used which could lead too them covering the window.

• The Smooth line command window can now use system variables in the Name and Path boxes.

• The Adjust Data function was not working correctly with Aux channels, as it is not possible to convert from one unit to another. The adjustment is now only applied to the specified units for Aux 1 and Aux 2.

• The Relative Humidity parameter was not being displayed properly in the results spreadsheet.

• The Force maximum and minimum macro commands where not recording the results in the spreadsheet.

• The Force maximum and minimum macro commands where not using a valid threshold when the macro was created with TE32 version 1.

• The Force minimum menu command was not displaying the options window.

• Help files updated. This includes fixing some broken links to loading sample projects and library sequences.

• Pictures of probes added to probe selection window.

2,0,0,1 (1 July 2003)

• Some older Macros would display the incorrect text for calculation commands in the program list.

• Closing multiple Macros at once (Close All button) would put an invalid name in the MRU list.

• Standard Security Menu list was not being enabled / disabled when user changed between User and Admin / Manager.

• New popup menu for project list just show relevant items.

• The Manager command now shows correct options (Project or Macro) depending on where it is invoked.

• Right clicking on item in the Project lists or Macro list now activates the item so it is the subject of the command.

• File name validation was too strict on Macro Save File command.

• Closing Exponent after running a BASIC script from a macro caused a GPF.

• Reduced timeout for message bubble when the message is Sequence Transfer Complete.

Show more (+)


1,1,0,7 Beta (27 June 2003).

• Fixed potential deadlock with login thread that could prevent it ever appearing.

• Changed the point at which translation language applied so it works for command line login as well.

• User path for sequences was not being picked up correctly from the Library selection window so user files could not be found.

• Fixed GPF after trying to save Results to a read only path.

• Fixed false error message when saving to a good path on a drive that was read only at the root.

• Fixed false error message when loading a graph from a read only location.

• Esc key was not aborting Macro correctly.

• Macro Go To Event command was always displaying event number even when it should have been the ID.

• Pre-Test tab on Run A Test settings window would go blank when the Apply button was used.

1,1,0,6 Beta (26 June 2003).

• Resolved an error message that appears when inserting a Report Hyperlink to another document.

• Made deleting fields more reliable when there are no other characters on both side of the field.

• Changing the T.A. Sequence variable type to time while the default value of zero was in place generated two superfluous error messages. Errors are now only reported when you click OK.

• Fixed a problem with getting application data folder path for standard users on NT systems.

• Provided a descriptive error message when a non-existent project file is specified and cleaned up after.

1,1,0,5 Beta (18 June 2003).

• Edit – Copy command was not active for first T.A. Sequence string variable.

• Fixed more selection problems with units and data types in Macro Export command. This should now be complete.

• Fixed problem when closing a graph window with multiples files in when running on Windows 98.

• Fixed a problem with resaving imported Texture Expert and Exceed files.

1,1,0,4 Beta (17 June 2003).

• Paste command into Abort Sequence was not refreshing the list.

• Multi-line string variables (carriage returns at end of line text) in the T.A. Sequence would cause problems. Now OK.

• Break Detect – Pause option now displays a message on the PC to request user to attend to the XTPlus and then press OK. This requires firmware version 0.01129 or later.

• Added facility to copy and paste T.A. Sequence string variables.

• Various fixes to Variables menu.  E.g. now works with active variables list.

• Added option to Sequence’s # IF command to check firmware versions.

• The “Modify Results Column” window was not getting the format correct when ‘,’ (comma) used for the decimal point.

• Enhanced Column Modify command to allow changes of number format and locked state for multiple columns.

• Added support for new XTPlus USB adapter.

• Added Bubble window for XTPlus message. This appears down by the T.A. Status panel for 10 seconds per message.

• Added option to display messages in the new bubble window from the sequence Display Message command. Start the message text with a * to do this. Two start ** make the message remain in the display for 1000 seconds. A single * with no text following clears the bubble. This requires COMMs firmware 0.01135 or later.

• Enhanced standard tests to incorporate option to set oven temperature and wait for it.

• More fixes to the Macro Export data command.

1,1,0,3 Beta (10 June 2003).

• Added facility to specify number of digits for File Number, which is padded with leading zeros as required.

• Add T.A. Sequence command to record events. This makes the XTPlus send an event code to Exponent when the command is executed. Exponent records the event as a normal event marker. (Requires Firmware 0.01133 for both processors).

• Added context sensitive help to Macro commands. You can now click on a command in either the program list or the commands lists and then press F1 to go straight to the help topic for the highlighted command.

• Improved help file.

• Fixed some bugs with recording macro commands when the graph window was not open.

• Improved the macro command Smooth line to include all the various options.

• The print report macro command no longer displays the print dialog box.  It instead uses the default printer setup.

• Default number format for spreadsheet is now set to “General”. This improves reliability by allowing for various decimal point and thousand separator characters.

1,1,0,2 Beta (21 May  2003).

• Reports “Auto Refresh Fields and Objects” setting now remembers last state.

• Fixed an error in the T.A. Sequences default BASIC conversion module.

• T.A. Settings BASIC module will no longer close if there is an error in the code.

• Formula for Coef. Of Variation generated by menu item was missing * 100.

• Auto Recover feature could get stuck if the temporary name it chose already exists which would cause Exponent to stop responding at the end of a test.

1,1,0,1a Beta (16 May 2003).

• More links added to help file.

1,1,0,1 Beta (15 May 2003).

• Copying a complete results row or spreadsheet caused a GPF.

• Added facility to T.A. Sequences BASIC module to specify number of decimal places for “Miscellaneous” type variables.

• Modified the adjust data macro command to work in a more understandable way and be more compatible with Texture Expert Exceed 16 bit macros.

• Improved visibility of large cursor lines when both Y1 and Y2 horizontal lines overlapped.

• Fixed a problem when updating older format results files that would confuse the Info sheet id parameters were already there.

1,1,0,0 Beta (13 May 2003).

• Built with Visual Studio 2003. This should hopefully improve stability and speed.

• Fixed bug when opening a workspace that had a graph window to open.

• Product height options had “Manual” in the list instead of “Auto”.

• Chart now remembers Second Y axis setting when refreshed.

1,0,0,103 Beta (9 May 2003).

• Added the ability to insert 16 bit Dough Inflation System (*.BLO) files into a graph document.

• Fixed a problem where the Area Calculation and others possibly allowed the user to perform an area calculation on non-existent data.

• Fixed a problem where DR DIS macros cause all sorts of problems when you attempt to add them into the macro list via the macro manager.

• Fixed a problem that caused a crash when loading DR DIS files that were saved in a workspace during software start-up or when switching to another workspace.

• Fixed conversion of time units in Area and Gradient calculations for results files.

• Added facility to Copy and Paste Results columns. The pasted column is just a template so it does not contain any data.

• Fixed problem with toolbars macro list after using manager.

• Added commands to the BASIC App object to get values from the active results window.

• Fixed bug where protect projects was checking the T.A. Settings locked option for the Run a Test Settings which meant you could not edit the Run a Test settings if the T.A. Settings were locked..

• Fixed a bug where clicking on the project options and creating a report would cause a crash if no sequence were loaded.

• Fixed a bug in the speed setting of the move probe commands.

• Fixed a problem where Strength and force on Y1 And Y2 axis caused crazy graph lines to be drawn when you have the axis linking enabled.

• Fixed a problem with screen redraw when selecting a curve with no data for the selected axis types on show that caused the screen to go blank.

• Fixed some problems with loading in macros with the display on status bar option for the Display Message macro command.

• Fixed problem with unit conversions in results files for Area and Gradient calculations.

• Increased resolution for some units.

1,0,0,102 Beta (7 Apr. 2003).

• Fixed a bug in the Area calculation that meant an extra data point past the last Anchor could be included in the calculation. This was due to the imprecise nature of comparing the equality of two floating-point numbers so the problem was random.

• Fixed a couple of memory leaks.

• Macro While command had bug in the copy function that could cause a crash with Undo.

• The Edit command in the Macro right click menu now works when there is no Graph window open.

• The Run Macro commands will now automatically open a Graph window and run the macro.

• Most commands that can prompt at run time now hide the Cancel button if the Adjust Fail Flag option is not set.

• Added options to the Change Units macro command to select Inverted and Relative.

• Updated the importing of Texture Expert Exceed, Texture Expert and Dough Inflation System macro files.

• Fixed a problem with the Define a string variable macro command when selecting a variable.  The command was selecting numerical variables rather than string variables.

• Macro recording now records the axis types used by commands such as Area rather than just using the ACTIVE data type on show.  This may be different when the macro is run later on.

• Fixed a problem when the report window is minimised and you click on the restore button it does not restore because the window loads the toolbar and document bar.  This causes the window to move and the mouse event to go to another window.

• Added the Report option to the Macros Save command.

• Added an ability to abort the macro by clicking cancel if an error message comes up while running a macro.  For example if you are in a loop and the anchors are being dropped at the same point.

• Fixed a problem where the Wait for timer macro command when clicking the exit X in the top corner of the dialog box which closes the prompt but carries on running the Wait command.

• Fixed a problem where the status bar option was not being saved by the Display Message macro command.

1,0,0,101 Beta (28 Mar. 2003).

• Fixed a problem with some new features when running on Windows 95 / 98.

• Converted Macro and Project lists in Project panel to tree views with branches for Global and Personal.

• Several Macro problems fixed.

• Fixed a bug when selecting COM 5 or above.

• Fixed a bug with Run A Test parameters window when no advanced plug-ins are active.

• Improved error checking on variable mathematical commands in the macro.

• Report fields and objects now refreshed before printing occurs.

• Fixed a problem where the Record value flag was always set in macro calculation commands even when you turn it off.

• Added the ability for the PROMPT, CRITICAL and ADJUST FAIL flags to be set on a measurement basis rather than just a command basis.  Also setup tri-state tick boxes to allow the selection of the measurements to set the state of the boxes.  Allow the user to multiple select the required measurements and then the selection on the tri-state tick box to apply to all selected measurements.

1,0,0,100 Beta (26 Mar. 2003).

• Fixed a problem where last column of pixels was not being drawn for graphs.

• Macro and Project lists now supports Personal as well as Global entries in the lists. An extra option has been added to the Manager to switch between Personal and Global list.

• Printing Graphs now prints all pages instead of just the first one.

• The Lines option on the Graph Page Setup now works.

• Repaired many Context Help links.

• The command to change a T.A. Variable now ensures the sequence is re-sent at the start of a test.

1,0,0,99 Beta (18 Mar. 2003).

• Fixed some problems with auto scaling and zooming on Stress, Strength and Strain data.

• Fixed problem with new test introduced in 1,0,0,98.

1,0,0,98 Beta (17 Mar. 2003).

• Re-organised internal workings of Macros. This provides some extra functionality and better support for importing Texture Expert and Exceed macros.

• Registry keys and some files stored in the TE32 directory are now assigned Read/Write privileges when they are created for all users on NT based systems.

• Most of the new security and logging features introduced since 1,0,0,92 have now bee moved to an optional module.

• Added print function to log viewer.

• Added warning when saving what was a Texture Expert, etc, format file to inform them that the file will not reload into the old software.

• Prevented user re-sizing hidden columns in T.A Settings and Product Parameters grids.

• Split Test Parameters into separate tabbed grids, grouped by application.

• Run A Test command was checking the T.A. Settings protection option in the project instead of the Run A Test protection option.

• Exporting multiple curves to text file was joining last and first column of each file.

• Fixed a problem with X-axis vertical position moving off screen after zooming with some combinations of graphs.

• Fixed a problem with the scroll bar button position when non-base units displayed.

• Added Group file facility. This is a text file that contains a list of arc files to load in one go. The file can be created from the graph window file list.

1,0,0,97 Beta (10 Feb. 2003).

• Replaced grid control in T.A. Settings window. The old one sometimes caused random GPF’s.

• Fixed problem with BASIC RawData object GetValueAtIndex when used with Time data.

• Added ExportData function to Graph Object. A new object called ExportInfo has also been added to support this function.

• Changed FillDataArray function so it now takes a SAFEARRAY. This means the third parameter for the array size is not required so it has been removed. The function is now compatible with external automation clients.

• Right click on the graph windows file list now activates the frame to ensure the popup menu command is applied to the correct window.

• Expanded right click menus in report windows.

• Made Reports remember page size and orientation.

• Fixed synchronised zoom problem with Aux channel data when a combination such as Raw units in one and dB in another view.

• Full Name was not remembered when a user was added.

1,0,0,96 Beta (4 Feb 2003).

• You can now change the units of parameters in the Info window by clicking on the units.

• Replaced grid control in Parameters window. The old one sometimes caused random GPF’s.

• Fixed problem with acoustic values when used with later Firmware versions that had extra TA Info parameters.

1,0,0,95 Beta (24 Jan 2003).

• Improved TestComplete event.

• Fixed GPF with Create Curve command.

• Fixed a problem where curve was removed from list but not the document when the save was cancelled.

• Fixed problem with scrolling a zoomed curve.

• Smooth line command now retains data offset values from original.

• Added a method to the BASIC Graph object to set the value of an existing parameter.

• Fixed problem with saving charts from the main menu.

• Added option to link second Y-axis values to first Y-axis values.

• Aux. Channels where not reporting a bad gain problem properly in the Data Type tab of the graph info.

• Added TE32 version number to information stored with new tests.

• Prompt for parameter value at run time required value to be entered in default units. Now you enter the value in the displayed units.

• Fixed problem with updating older results files to include extra Info columns.

1,0,0,94b Beta (9 Jan 2003).

• Fixed problem with Project object.

• Added preliminary TestComplete event to App object

1,0,0,94 Beta (8 Jan 2003).

• Fixed problem where language selection was not remembered.

• Fixed problem where right click menu was not appearing for some languages.

• Fixed a problem when graph documents opened via external COM automation.

• Fixed a problem when application started via external COM automation.

• Add functions to TEE32.App object to get a reference to the Project and TA objects.

• Added a tool to create a curve from a user-defined function and fit it to the specified data set.

• Fixed a problem with the Probe name in the Results files. This included not being able to remove the Probe name from the charts.

• Manually inserting a result column in to the spreadsheet made the column type equal to the nest item in the list. E.g. setting it to Area made it Gradient.

• Using the Run a Test command with no XTPlus connected would display the wrong error message and then prevent the application being closed.

• Added a BASIC method to the GraphDocument object to run a specified Macro file.

• Fixed a problem where saving new files might give incorrect error message saying the file is read-only.

• Fixed problem where cursor would not follow curve after saving the graph.

• Fixed problem with setting spreadsheet number formats that did not have a . as a decimal point.

• Added Global Default Paths option. These apply to all users unless they have specifically set a User Default Path.

1,0,0,93 Beta (24 Dec 2002).

• Made Select All command work in Raw Data Views.

• Added Find Next command to Raw Data Views.

• Fixed a bug in Find command in Raw Data Views.

• Communications Selection window now checks for valid port selection before the window is closed.

• Help file updated.

• Help file for first time use is now automatically displayed when Exponent is run for the first time.

• Re-arranged the Probe window menu to reduce the levels required to access the options.

• Added Rollup button to Probe window so it can be reduced in size and just display the menu items.

• Probe move window now remembers size, position and visible state and is automatically restored to the same state when Exponent starts.

• Event Log added. This can be viewed using the Window – Event Log menu command. The following events are now logged:

• Log In / Out.

• Force Calibration.

• Height Calibration.

• Frame Deflection Calibration.

• Security updated. You can now specify more details for password validation and accounts can be disabled.

• Security Profiles added. You can assign a profile to a user to reduce the time taken to setup a user account.

• Improved File security.

• Fixed problem in results file when more than AY columns were used with batch or column formulas inserted.

• Fixed problem when docking the toolbars.

• Fixed problem with floating toolbars on second monitor.

• Fixed problem with floating or docking the Raw Data View.

• Fixed problem with loading Texture Expert Exceed format files that had results and text objects in.

• Added support for latest versions of Texture Expert Exceed projects.

• Fixed GPF when double clicking on a graphic that was pasted in a Report.

• Fixed problem processing malformed probe database.

• Improved conversion of probe area to different units to reduce rounding errors.

• It was possible to add a duplicate probe ID to the database if the case was different.

• Report Field windows ID list now sorted alphabetically.

• Renamed some of the T.A. Sequence commands to make the format consistent.

• Re-ordered some of the T.A. Sequence commands to group similar items.

• Exposed Automation objects so they can be used in other programming applications.

• Added a BASIC event to the T.A. Sequence to allow custom interfaces to the settings.

• Fixed a bug in the Sequence debug log view that could cause a GPF.

• Added T.A. Variables automation object for BASIC access to variables.

• Fixed a problem in directory browser where the Open button stopped working after selecting a folder from the My Folders menu.

• Fixed a problem where Edit Copy of variables was disabled when variable zero was included in the selection.

• Fixed some dual monitor issues.

• Fixed a problem where cursor box would get pulled out of the window if you dragged the minimised graph window icon.

• Added Graph Title and Probe Name to info tab in results files.

• Stopped F10 key activating the menu when it is defined as a shortcut key (Again).

• %_YEAR_SHORT_% variable was incorrectly inserted as %_ YEAR_SHORT _% from variables menu.

• Frame Deflection calibration now has a progress bar. Requires firmware version 0.01127 or later for the progress bar to increment properly.

• Added DDE commands:

• TA.RunTest (filename)

• TA.QuickTest (filename)

• Graph.RunMacro (filename)

• The filename part is optional. If they are left off then the project settings are used

• The following PEEK is added:

• System.GetStaus

• Frame Deflection calibration window did not detect calibration error and had to wait for the time before control was given back.

• Added support for loading Texture Expert Powder Flow Analyser files. The test sequence is not imported. Torque data is not loaded.

• The “None “ text for the second Y axis is no longer displayed on printouts or report objects.

• The system variables %_DATE_% and %_TIME_% used the “\” and “:” characters which caused problems in file paths so they are now replaced with “_”.

• Added command line option /RBS filename to run the specified BASIC script.

• Fixed a problem where Read Only files where renamed as .bak files and original written over.

• Changed pre-defined results cell formats so they are compatible with control panel international number settings.

• Added Sequence command “(Str 100) = Format (Str X) with (Var X)”, to insert the value of a variable into a string. The result is stored in Str 100, which can then be used with other commands such as “Display Prompt”, etc. Requires Comm and Motor Firmware version 0.01129 or later.

• Added Logging facility to Check Force tool.

• Added “Prompt At Runtime” option to test parameters (height, weight, etc).

• BASIC command “ClearResults” was not resetting the Anchor numbers.

• Fast plotting was not resetting when test parameters (Width, Length, ect) were changed so the curve did not match the new values.

• Added BASIC command “GetLastAnchorNumber”.

• Fixed problem with Smooth curve. Some information was not being setup in the new curve, which could cause drawing problems.

• Added menu commands for more of the Project options that where only accessible via the Project window.

• Fixed a problem plotting time in minutes with fast plotting routines.

• Improved F1 Context help in sequence editor. Help is now targeted at the selected sequence command.

1,0,0,92 Release (25 Sep 2002).

• Added new T.A. Sequence commands. These require XTPlus firmware version 0.01124. The new commands are:

– Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide that work on three variables.

– If VarX NotEqual VarY.

– Clear specified Target flags.

Display Prompt on PC with options for OK. OK / CANCEL or YES / NO buttons. The last two effectively being ‘If’ type commands.

• Fixed problem with the T.A. Sequence Else command (firmware version 0.01124).

• Enhanced Probe database so it now contains manufacture details.

• New probe database is constructed from multiple files so applying updates no longer erases custom probe information.

• Fixed the Macro command “Transfer Sequence”.

• Edit – Copy of T.A. Sequence and Macro programs now puts the text into the clipboard so it can be pasted into a text document.

• Added a button to the last Force Calibration wizard stage to print a report / certificate of calibration.

1,0,0,91 Release (12 Sep 2002).

• Fixed GPF when all files removed from a window.

• User configuration files for tools menu and shortcut keys are now stored in the profiles directory. This makes it easier to manage in the NT security settings.

• %_USER_NAME_% variable was incorrectly inserted as %_USE_NAME_% from variables menu.

• While browsing for the path in the Run a Test settings window, if you selected from the My Folders menu it would then force you to select a file before the open button would operate.

• TE32’s Frame Deflection Calibration would sometimes timeout before the XTPlus had finished and would therefore not report it as being successful. New firmware version 0.01123 now sends status reports back during the operation to reset the timeout period.

1,0,0,90 Release (22 Aug 2002).

• Added a toolbar button for T.A. Settings.

• Holding down the shift key while clicking on the T.A. – T.A. settings menu command or the new button now open the sequence in the sequence editor.

• Holding down the shift key while clicking on the Run macro button now opens the macro in the editor instead of running it. (only applies when a graph window is active)

• Fixed a GPF when putting the Advance cursor command in to the program list (only seemed to occur on Windows 9

• Fixed problem introduced in 1,0,0,89 where XTPlus was not receiving modified T.A. Setting values.

• Dropping .BAS files was not opening them up correctly so they did not appear in the editor.

• Fixed a cursor and window re-draw problem.

• Altered probe modify window so the name can of user-defined probes be changed.

• Altered probe modify window so that changing the units selection converts the value.

• Altered the macro editor so that when the last item in list is deleted nothing is selected and therefore stops further delete operations.

• Added Sample Project tree to the Project panel for quick access to the sample projects provided with TE32. Double click on the project to open it.

• Fixed a problem with the workspace not being able to open a graph window that had multiple files in.

• Fixed problem in Firmware that flooded TE32 with motor run status change messages when hold a force test was run. (REQUIRES XTPlus Motor firmware version 0.01122).

1,0,0,89 Release.

• Fix a GPF that occurred if a second instance of TEE32.EXE was run while the first instance was still running.

• Stopped F10 key activating the menu when it is defined as a shortcut key.

• Fixed problem where shortcut keys F1 to F12 appeared incorrectly in menu text.

• Re-organised Test Setting “File ID” and “Path” dropdown menus.

• Test Settings “Path” browse option now replaces the current path instead of inserting.

• Added Tooltip text for Goto toolbar buttons.

• Added facility to start a test from the XTPlus keypad. Hold down the RESET button and then press the /\ and \/ buttons at the same time. The Run light flashes while the XTPlus waits for the PC to act on the command. (REQUIRES XTPlus Motor and Comms firmware version 0.01121).

• If an invalid formula was entered in the Results files it could cause the row to be only partially constructed which prevented it from being removed or edited.

• Exponent now has the standard XTPlus parameter captions stored in the exe so they can be translated and it improves performance when starting a test.

1,0,0,88 Release.

• Added support for Comparative Acoustic Module (non-calibratable).

• Enhanced Macro support for running Sax BASIC code so that errors in BASIC stop the Macro and the BASIC script can be debugged using break points and stepping, etc while the Macro is paused.

• Added support for Stable Micro Systems Combined Temperature and Relative Humidity device.

• Added Sax BASIC commands to read / write 16 and 32 bit MODBUS registers.

1,0,0,87 Release.

• Fixed a screen redraw problem with the report after printing / print previewing.

• Added right click popup menus to Macros list and Project List in project panel.

• Added right click popup menus to Notes in Project and Graph.

• Added support for System Variables in the Run A Test settings auto save path.

• Added option to Run A Test settings to automatically create directories that do not exist. The directory structure is created when the first graph is automatically saved.

• Added System Variables to access user specified default paths.

• Fixed System Variable %_DAY_MONTH_%, which was getting the day of the week.

• Added spell check button to Projects Notes.

• Added support for some System Variables to user tools.

• Fixed a problem under NT4 where the menu text was not displayed.

• Menu titles in Customise Tools dialog where not being translated.

• Added “Auto Detect” button to Aux. Channel set-up window that will look for a Stable Micro Systems device attached to the port and configure it.

1,0,0,86 Release.

• Macro “Display Message” command was aborting the macro when the No button was selected instead of setting the fail flag.

• Default graph colours option in the User preferences now increased from 16 colours to 256 colours.

• Fixed a crash when adding data types that do not exist to the Raw Data View.

• Fixed a problem with the Bubble height data type for Dough Inflation measurements.

• Enhanced handling of NAK messages received from XTPlus.

• Made T.A. Message Log window resizable and added a button to clear the log.

• Added a few more status messages for long operations.

• Fixed a problem with Report object sizing when zoom level changed.

• Using the Calibrate function from the Aux. Configuration Window was not updating the settings in the window.

• Added Basic fields to the report. These are placeholders that can be update via the Sax BASIC interface to allow reports content to be modified when running a BASIC script.

1,0,0,85 Release.

• Changed the alignment of the pop up window used to change axis scale values so that it does not appear partially off screen. This basically effected the x-axis maximum.

• Changed Projects probe position memory speeds max limit to 40mm/Sec.

• Made the graph colour palette unique to each document rather than just one for the system. This just makes the order of the graph colours more consistent.

• Added support for the new Electrical Resistance measuring modules in the Aux. Channel Configuration.

• Added Calibrate button to Aux. Channel Configuration window for Acoustic and Resistance Modules.

• Added Sub Routines to the sequences. REQUIRES firmware version 0.01117.

• Added Redo tool to Sequence editor.

• Enhanced T.A. Settings window so it will now translate standard captions and options.

• Added standard captions to a drop list in the variable set-up window for easier selection.

• Fixed problem where plug-ins would use the previously selected language. Now when the language is changed at the login screen, the plug-ins are re-initialised.

• Strength plug-in was using Length parameter instead of width.

• Auto Scale now updates the Graph Preferences Max-Min values so the next new test run keeps the same values.

• Fixed a problem where manually changing axis scale value while a test was running could slow the system down to the point that it appeared screen re-drawing stopped happening.

• Fixed a GPF when copying a single cell from the Raw data view.

1,0,0,84 Release.

• Tightened requested permissions for registry access so we stand more chance of read / write working when not a windows administrator.

• Fixed GPF when windows access rights prevented plug-in log being created.

• Probe name was not being stored in ARC files.

• Added facility to edit Graph Title and Batch name from graph info tab by double clicking on them.

• File associations are now global instead of user based. You will be asked once more to define what types you want associated (sorry) but it will apply to all users as does the Windows registration.

• Fixed a problem with Report – Insert Hyperlink dialog box.

• Added option to Delete User. Only applies to the File – Preferences – Security – Users dialog.

1,0,0,83 Release.

• Added a prompt when loading a T.A. Sequence file that asks if you would like to copy it to the project.

• Reduced the amount of processor time used during data capture by making the threads sleep if there was no plotting to do. This makes other applications more responsive.

• Added right click popup menus to the status bar areas. E.g. Right click on the user name to display the user preference menu. Right click on the project name to display the project menu. Right click on the T.A. Status to display a T.A. related menu.

• Added time stamps to T.A. status logs.

• Refined the T.A. Status logs to include more useful information and less garbage.

• Warning now added to validate sequence function if speed is less than 0.01.

• Enabled the File – Save As menu command for Charts.

• Fixed a problem when drag and drop files from explorer, as it was not selecting a valid curve, which could cause other problems latter.

• Graph printout should have displayed Graph Title but was picking up a random value instead.

• Hidden files where becoming unhidden after running a macro.

• Fixed a problem with remembering Relative option in Graph Preferences.

1,0,0,82 Release.

• Added support for the Acoustic Module in the Aux. Channel Configuration.

• Added buttons to the Run A Test – Data tab to open Aux. and RS485 configuration windows.

• Aux. and RS485 information now displayed in the Run A Test – Data tabs channel list.

• When loading Texture Expert Exceed Macros the Prompt setting was not being picked up for the “Create Directory” command.

• Fixed a possible crash when some macro commands where executed on data that did not exist.

• Default paths were not working correctly on Windows 2000 and XP.

• Project Parameters window had the “Use All” and “Use None” buttons floating over the parameter grid.

1,0,0,81 Release.

• Fixed problem where some registry settings where not being stored on NT based systems. This was preventing toolbar positions, etc being remembered.

• Fixed problem with re-calculating Area when an Anchors was moved.

• Added Spanish translation file.

• Fixed problem when displaying inverted data using the fast plotting routines.

• Added sequence commands to send 32 bit data to MODBUS devices.

1,0,0,80 Release.

• Enhanced Data Type tab of Graph Info to show reason why a data type can not be displayed. Also grouped common status messages for each type to reduce list size.

• Fixed some problems with Dough Inflation units when test created with XTPlus.

• Added “None” menu item to axis data types so that second Y-axis can be hidden easily.

• Added “None” axis title for hidden second Y-axis so it can be re-selected using right mouse click.

• Changed SerialComms.dll to make it compatible with Windows XP and other Windows version at the same time.

• Added “Auto Hide” facility. When an axis type is selected that is not available in a curve the curve is set to Auto Hide rather than the old hidden property. This means the curve is automatically re-displayed if the axis type becomes valid. An “X” is displayed in the colour box of the file list if the curve is auto hidden.

• When saving a new test the file name now defaults to the name shown in the graph windows file list.

• The project workspace is now only opened when the project is opened and not when the project is restarted. This prevents the possibility of duplicate windows opening.

• Fixed some strange effects with toolbars when a workspace is restored.

• The “Save Workspace when Project closed” option is now only acted on if the current workspace is the one specified in the project.

• If the active workspace is the one specified in the project then it is closed when the project is closed to prevent it being updated by another project.

• New Firmware. Supports user definable contact force for probe height calibration. Improved frame deflection calibration and improved force detection.

• Fixed a problem that meant you were not always prompted to save modified documents when closing TE32.

• Changed serial comm’s dll to make it compatible with Windows XP.

1,0,0,79 Release.

• Fixed GPF introduced in 1,0,0,78 when zooming with the mouse and only one Y-axis displayed.

• Improved Test Log history so you can now:

• Open multiple ARC files in one graph window by highlighting the rows.

• Delete records. The menu item can be disabled through the security options.

• Highlight all rows that reference files that no longer exist.

• Filter displayed records.

• Remember user specified column widths.

• Faster grid connected using DAO instead of ADO technology.

• Added more toolbar buttons for search functions implemented by plugins. These can be added to toolbars using the Tools – Customise Toolbars menu command.

• Added more error reporting for file reading and writing.

• Linked Calculations toolbar to Graph window for Auto Hide option so it now Hides/Shows when a Graph window is Deactivated/Activated.

• Moved Most Recent Used file list to “Recent Files” sub menu so the file menu does not get too wide. This makes it easier to select other File sub menus.

• Added Auto Recover facility to Graph files. This creates temporary files for unsaved graphs that are deleted when Exponent is closed properly. If the software is not shut down correctly then these files are automatically re-loaded when the software restarts.

• Fixed a problem that prevented the prompt to save modified files appearing when the application was shut down.

• Added support for latest versions of Exponent ARC files.

• Changed “Load Project at Startup” option so that it ties up with new login screen. The settings in the “File – Preferences – User- Miscellaneous Settings” now influence the initial settings in the User Login screen but any changes made by the user during login override the defaults.

• Added “Restart Project” option to login screen.

1,0,0,78 Release.

• Added option to display X and Y values under mouse pointer by holding down the Ctrl key.

• Second Y-axis now only zooms when dragging the mouse if the Shift key is down when the mouse button is released. This allows independent zooming of both Y-axes.

• Added option to select a project to restart at log-in screen.

• Added list of projects to Projects bar. The list is managed in the “File – Manager” like the macros. Double clicking on an entry opens the Project.

• Added “Restart Project” button to the project bar.

• Added new Filter options to right click menu of Graph Info – T.A. settings.

• Fixed problem with serial comms that was introduced in 1,0,0,77. This caused the T.A. to stop responded.

• Fixed a couple of problems with the Fast Plotting option.

• Added “Favourites” item to the File Open/Save window’s “My Folders” button. This is managed using the “File – Preferences – User – Default Paths” menu option. Up to ten favourite folders can be specified.

1,0,0,77 Release.

• Added option for fast plotting routines in user general configuration. Graph window redraws approximately 4 times faster with this option switched on but it uses more memory for data cache.

• Added Large Graph Cursor option in user general configuration. This provides lines that extend to the full window height and width.

• Added facility to move cursor fast when combination of Ctrl and Sift keys pressed. Ctrl + arrow moves 10X, Shift + Arrow moves 50X and Ctrl + Shift + arrow moves 100X.

• Improved error handling when trying to open bad or non-existent files.

• Fixed problem with sequence editor causing a GPF when you tried to debug a sequence.

• Fixed problem that stopped Graph printing.

• Fixed problem where small T.A. Settings values were not displayed when the settings were loaded.

• The sample project for the application ADH7_P1 had a bad sequence in it.

• New Directory Browser style used on Windows ME and 2000 or better. This provides a “New Directory” button and is sizeable, etc.

• The Select All command no longer refreshes the view.

• Added menu button to File ID edit box and Macro Define String Variable box to make selection of system variables easier.

• Fixed problem with Macro Define String Variable command where it was not registering the variable name properly.

• Enhanced the Global BASIC module so it is now user based and encoded for security which means it can auto run when Exponent loads.

• Optimised plug-in loading routine to make start-up slightly faster.

• We have found the software occasionally freezes during start-up. This appears to be caused by the COM port when a code is received from the XTPlus during the initialisation of the port. We have now reorganised the initialisation procedure to try and solve this problem.

1,0,0,76 Release.

• Added second Y axis option to graph window.

• Fixed problem with XTPlus communications when a , was used as the decimal separator. This caused problem with the probe move and rounding of values sent to the XTPlus.

• Fixed problem where Com port setting was not being saved.

• Fixed problems with some Dough Inflation units.

• Added option to use saved chart file as a template when displaying a chart from the result files.

1,0,0,75 Release.

• Added new security features. This has required a reorganisation of the registry structure used by Exponent which means most of your old user preferences will be lost.

• Re-organised File - Preferences menu so it now consists of three sub menus. One for global settings that affect all users, one for User specific settings and one for security settings.

• Added “Auto Refresh Fields and Objects” menu item to reports. When this is off it can speed up screen redraws when switching windows.

• Added “Refresh Fields and Objects” menu item to reports to update all items.

• Added system variables such as %USER%, %DATE%, etc. These can be used in Macro string variables and in the FileID of the Run A Test window.

• Added Default Path option to Users Preferences menu. When you save a file the directory specified by the default path for that file type is initially shown.

• If a default path is specified for sequences then a top-level branch is created in the T.A. settings Library window. As the default paths are defined per user it means each user has a place to store their private sequences.

• Added “My Folders” button to file open dialog box. This displays a pop up menu for the default paths and the last five places that files were opened from.

• Moved start-up splash screen to a separate thread so that it re-paints more efficiently and speeds up the loading of plug-ins.

• User is now presented with the COMM port selection dialog during the first start-up of the software. If the dialog is dismissed using the Cancel button then the prompt will re-appear next time the software is started.

• Changed Probe Height calibration window so that decimal speeds and distances can be entered.

• Fixed some problems with opening files via double clicking in Explorer.

• Fixed a problem where resources were consumed when running a macro with the File Info list visible.

• Added MacroInterface object to Sax BASIC so the Exponent Macro’s variables can be manipulated in the BASIC script.

• Fixed problem where T.A. menu items were disabled until you selected the View T.A. Info option.

1,0,0,74 Release.

• Fixed problem where sequence variable captions could not be set.

• Fixed problem where “Run Macro - After Auto-Save” option was not enabled unless “Auto-Save” option was switched on in project.

• Fixed problem where old Anchor remained highlighted when new anchor drop / selected.

• Fixed problem where new anchors were not detected by mouse until screen refreshed.

• Calibrate menu items now show either Force or Pressure depending on the type of transducer fitted.

• Volume units should now use the correct conversion factor.

• Goto - Burst Point command can now search forwards or backwards.

1,0,0,73 Release.

• Fixed scaling problem with Dough Inflation pressure units.

• Added customisable BASIC script conversion facility for ‘Miscellaneous’ type T.A. variables.

• Improved Graph Export to Spreadsheet options dialog box so you can select required units.

• Added facility to include units text in ‘Store Variable’ Macro command.

• Added facility to specify prompt text for ‘Find Positive Peak’ and ‘Find Negative Peak’ Macro commands.

• Changed graph cursor to make it easier to see.

• Made it possible to add a column for Variables in the spreadsheet Insert Column dialog window.

• You can now add BASIC script files to the User Tools menu and they will be run when the menu item is selected.

• Added a new BASIC script sample file that sets the temperature on the oven’s CAL controller.

• Fixed problem where user tools file was saved in the active directory instead of the applications directory.

• User Tools file name is now based on user login name so each user can have different configurations.

• Fixed problem with parameters that were not in base units (e.g. mm or g) when an average or max-min curve was created or updated.

• Fixed problem where Strain values were sometimes displayed incorrectly.

• Implemented BASIC functions App.RS485???. They were empty stubs in previous builds.

• The following BASIC keywords are now blocked: Declare, CreateObject, GetObject, FileCopy, Kill, Name, Open, RmDir, SetAttr, DDEInitiate, SendKeys and Shell.

1,0,0,72 Release.

• Fixed problem where empty Toolbar Macro list did not display.

• Added some Events to the Sax BASIC language interface. For the Graph window the following events are available:

1. Load – Fired when an ARC file is loaded.

2. TestComplete – Fired when a new test run has finished.

3. TestStarted – Fired when just before a new test run starts.

• For the project the following events have been added.

1. Load – Fired when a project is loaded.

2. Restart – Fired when a project is restarted, both before and after the project files are loaded.

• Added “Design / Run mode” facility to Sax BASIC interface that uses a file called GLOBAL.BAS in the TE32 directory. This script will allow background processing of the new events.

• Fixed problem with translation of main menu titles.

• Fixed problem in Plugin Manager where the check boxes did not appear unless you had Internet Explorer 5 installed.

• Fixed problem that stopped Strain being plotted in real time during a test.

• Fixed problem where no data was plotted during a test on Windows 2000.

• New library sequences are now supplied. There is now only one of each Return to Start, Hold until Time, etc sequence that will do both force and distance via a T.A. Setting. This allows for better conversion of old Texture Expert and Exceed files.

• Fixed problem where a failed Auto Save test appeared to have saved correctly.

• Fixed problem where “Run Macro After Test Saved” failed.

• T.A. Sequence variables now show units when displayed in most places.

• Graph Preferences window updated with more options.

• Return speed for Probe Height Calibration can now be maximum speed of XTPlus.

• New Toolbar button added for Restart Project.

• Removed some gremlins from the Parameter units’ conversions. This also fixed a problem with Strain when a height unit other than mm was selected.

• Added facility to change Parameter units in Info tab of results files by right clicking on the units text in the column.

• Fixed a problem when running a macro on multiple files where each graph was not selected completely.

• Fixed problem with results drawing functions consuming Windows resource until the application was closed.

• Firmware Motor Version 0.01109 is included with this setup program. Use the TAPFlash.exe program to upgrade the XTPlus firmware.

• Fixed problem where the watchdog timer during the Bend Deflection Calibration could reset the XTPlus.

Version prior to this were Beta copies.

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