Texture analysis software
Exponent Connect – our most powerful and flexible testing analysis software yet.

Exponent Connect is the industry-leading software for texture analysis and physical property measurement, offering unparalleled data collection, analysis, and reporting capabilities. Whether you're in food science, pharmaceuticals, or materials testing, our software is rich in functionality and support tools to help you streamline your testing workflow and become a texture expert.
Two powerful versions to suit your needs
1. Exponent Connect: Our full-featured solution for comprehensive texture analysis.
2. Exponent Connect Lite: A streamlined version for essential testing needs.
Already a user and want to see some recent feature additions?
See top testing tips for existing users
A summary of typical testing from start to finish
Calibration and force verification
Running tests and collecting data
Calibration and force verification
Making measurements with any analytical method or instrument requires calibration to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. Calibration of both force and distance is carried out in-house at the end of the manufacturing process. Customers can easily re-calibrate the instrument in their laboratories depending upon their good laboratory practice. The accuracy of all of our instruments can easily be checked in terms of speed, distance and force measurements to meet the more demanding regulations of certain industries.

Check force
Place weights on the calibration platform and check the live readings.

Calibrate force
Calibrate at a specific weight – if required.

Calibrate position
Allows tests to be performed in % strain, the height of samples to be recorded and probe position pre-setting.
Test setup and design
Testing starts with your choice of settings. This will depend on the type of test you wish to perform and the properties which you wish to investigate. There are several options for specifying the way in which the Texture Analyser is to test a sample.
1. Automatically loading a Test Project
A Project combines all of the components required to initiate a complete test and analysis procedure and is the basis on which a user can centralise all files required for a specific product test.
The Sample Projects panel contains an ever-increasing range of over 400 projects from which users can select as a test starting point. At the click of your mouse your chosen sample project can automatically transfer the required test settings to the instrument and load the associated macro, spreadsheet and report ready to analyse and display the results once the test is performed.
Test Settings and analysis Macro routines can be optimised to suit your particular applications and if routinely required they can then be saved as user-specific Projects.

Sample projects can automatically load everything you need to test a specific sample
2. Specify your own settings and make your own project
It is very easy for you to write your own method for the particular analysis required. First of all, choose from a set of classic texture analysis test sequences. Each one is explained in full and accompanied by an animation to help your understanding.

A description of each test in the right-hand panel explains how it has been setup for your use.
Once chosen, a TA Settings window is displayed which allows the user to specify such parameters as speed and test distance required for the test procedure. Advanced features within a test can be hidden for simplification. All TA Settings parameters have a caption which explains what each parameter does.

Place your mouse over any parameter to understand what it does
You can define your own test project and roll it out across multiple locations with multiple users to ensure consistency and accuracy in testing.
What test sequence should I choose?
When starting out with the Texture Analyser, you may be using a pre-configured project or one you’ve developed that contains everything needed for testing, data analysis, and reporting, saved in a specific location. That’s great – you’re ready to begin testing your samples and gathering the required data.
Alternatively, if you are developing a new project or need to configure specific settings for the Texture Analyser (e.g., test speeds, distances, etc.), simply click on the TA Settings icon or menu option. This will open the following window:
You are asked to choose from a Library test – these are a set of pre-defined test sequences that have been provided with typical ways you will want to instruct your Texture Analyser to move in order to perform a test. A Return to Start test is the most popular test – the Texture Analyser moves down or up to a chosen distance (or strain or force) and then returns to the start position.
By clicking on a test in the list of options you are now able to see a description of that test in the right-hand panel and how it has been setup for your use.
3. Completely configure your Texture Analyser movements – Testmaker
Another tool we have included with Exponent Connect (once you have a thorough understanding of your Texture Analyser) is called Testmaker which provides the flexibility for you to completely compile/devise your own test or sequence of events from scratch in a similar way to writing macros. It is a separate piece of software which is included with your installation.

A simple drag and drop of commands to create your own test sequence.
Running tests and collecting data
Before testing, a Run a Test window establishes test options and post-test parameters (e.g. file name, batch name probe used, etc.) Sample dimensions can also be specified for further analysis.
Data can be captured at high speed (up to 2000 points per second) which is a particularly important aspect when testing products that fracture (e.g. tablets, biscuits) or require high speed separation such as during the testing of adhesives.
During testing of your sample, force, distance and time values (and additional peripheral data values if attached) are collected and the real-time data displayed in a Graph window.

A typical view of Exponent Connect software
The ability to plug-in additional measurement instruments is present in the instrument design to provide multi-channel data acquisition. This allows for many other measuring devices to be connected to the Texture Analyser and their data simultaneously collected, such as acoustic emission, temperature, humidity via Exponent Connect software.
The Graph can be annotated to highlight the areas of interest and its axes can be changed to display the data in different X and Y combinations. Logarithmic and second Y axes are also available to allow synchronous display of additionally collected data such as temperature.
Graph files can include photos of the sample tested, and can also be exported as .bmp or .jpg.
Data analysis
Once data has been collected and is displayed in a Graph window, there is likely to be a requirement to analyse it in order to interpret the results and draw conclusions. Exponent Connect provides a wealth of analytical tools, from the most basic option of collecting a single force value to more sophisticated methods of curve smoothing or detection of inflection points.
Almost any feature of a data characteristic can be recognised and recorded. Icons for the calculations of such parameters as Area, Gradient, Time Difference, Mean, Count Force peaks, Force Maxima/Minima etc. are quickly accessible on the toolbar or minimised to only those required by the user via the Customisable Toolbar option. Quick Calculations are a selection of popular calculations that you can choose from that will analyse the data to provide results in just a few steps.

Macros automatically analyse the relevant portions of the graph to calculate the important parameters and can be set up to annotate the areas of interest on each test curve.
A Macro simplifies repetitive analysis and display. A set of instructions are listed and executed which automatically collect data from the graph. Tests can be automated with either intricate or simple macros, the latter being ideally suited to a production environment.
At the end of each test, an operator need only concentrate on the positioning of their sample and starting their next test whilst the previous data is analysed in the background.
Exponent Connect not only provides an extensive library of macros that are ready to quickly analyse your data once your tests have been performed, but enables the writing of macros that can quantify almost any aspect of the data resulting from the test. The flexibility to perform such a wide range of sophisticated additional mathematical functions within the software is unrivalled.
Results spreadsheets
The analysed data is displayed in a Results window in customised spreadsheet format and if necessary extra calculations are made by the addition of more columns to further manipulate your data or produce other parameters using either your own or stored formulae e.g. Standard Deviation, Average etc. Multiple worksheets are available to separate product parameters from results and user data.

Data collected from macros is dropped into a spreadsheet
Exporting data
Spreadsheets, text or images can be exported to other Windows applications for further specific manipulation/presentation if required. Once your range of tests are performed the collection of parameters you have obtained can be collated into a 'fingerprint' of each sample.
Presentation and layout options (Exponent Connect only)
Once data is collected in a spreadsheet, charts in a multitude of formats can be automatically displayed or designed to suit your data comparison needs.
A Chart gives a visual representation of the data from the Results window to allow easier comparison and interpretation. The Chart Designer allows selection of chart type and defines position, legend styles, base and wall styles and axes types.
A Report is a great way to establish a strict format for presenting information for others. For example, reports allow users to present hourly online test results to their managers or to present well-formatted reports to marketing and customers.
Reports may include graphs, results files, charts, pictures, logos, text, test settings, test preferences, batch numbers, information about the products tested, etc.

A number of report styles are available to display your data
User support – Education Zone and Samples
Education Zone
Within the Help menu you will find our Education Zone that contains a wealth of information on each probe/attachment, how to measure each textural property, understand your data analysis options and be guided into how to create your own test method, plus much more. You will also have instant access to all of our product manuals.

Watch the tour
Sample graphs
We have included around 300 sample graphs that will be useful for educational purposes to understand the shapes of curve data that can be produced depending upon the type of test performed, the sample being tested and the probe/attachment that is used for the test.
We have also included dough inflation sample curves and around 200 Powder Flow Analyser curves for you to view and use.
Exponent Connect vs. Exponent Connect Lite
No one knows more about texture analysis than we do. Packed with features, our intelligent Exponent Connect software has been designed for flexibility. Choose test settings and acquire test data in real-time. Customise your projects to your exact needs. Employ built-in macro and spreadsheet functions for automated data collection and analysis. The wealth of testing possibilities and analytical solutions are always expanding.
Exponent Connect
Our fully featured software offers sophistication and flexibility
The software of choice for the professional or advanced texture analyst, users requiring long-term flexibility of operation and analysis and those users requiring additionally synchronised data measurement alongside their traditional texture analysis data.
Exponent Connect software will maintain its ongoing expansion of testing procedures, presentation formats, data analysis features and enhanced security options. The aim is to provide the most powerful and flexible testing analysis solution available, which is of particular importance for those in Research and Development.
Exponent Connect Lite
Straight-forward testing without the complexity
Suited to simple texture analysis testing and data analysis for user at all levels with minimum learning and training required. This package still provides all of the capabilities you need to run tests quickly and efficiently to achieve maximum productivity. Exponent Connect Lite is suitable for users who are testing in a high-throughput production environment at varying skill levels or require a quick, easy to operate method on an infrequent basis.

Upgrading to Exponent Connect is possible at a later date if required.
Additional features: Exponent Connect only
The following presents a few additional highlights of the software which can only be fully appreciated by a demonstration from one of our Texture Experts.
Programmable sequencing
This allows total flexibility in the programming of the Texture Analyser arm movement. New test sequences can be written to accommodate sophisticated arm movement requirements, data capturing options and control of peripheral measurements such as temperature modules.
Advanced Data Analysis
Exponent Connect provides a wealth of sophisticated analytical tools which are available for immediate use and quick interpretation.
Mail To
At the end of your test, you can send your data directly from Exponent Connect to your colleagues – a great feature for multiple location synchronisation which simplifies the distribution of Exponent Connect files from one site to another.
Test Maker
This is a useful facility which allows a user to simply build a customised test from a selection of standard arm movements.
BASIC Macro Language
Access to advanced Exponent Connect data and commands provides the ability to automate certain actions or tests.
OLE Automation
This offers an interface for easy integration into many programming languages allowing total automation within a bespoke system such as automated sample loading or complex data collection systems.
Add pictures to Graph files
The Project and the Graphs have a place to enter notes to describe a test method or setup. Why not add a photo of your test setup so it is easy to see how it was or should be configured?
Test History Database
This feature tracks when tests were run and where they have been saved in the event that important data is misplaced.
Exponent Connect can simplify the sending of analysis results to LIMS from most companies. It comes in the form of a Macro command that can be easily configured to export the selected results of the current product to a file that a LIMS can read and delete.
Enhanced Security Module
This additional module provides additional security such as electronic record and signature management if you need it or wish to run your instrument in accordance with FDA CFR21 Part 11 guidelines.
Request an Enhanced Security Module brochure
PC Requirements
• 2GHz modern Intel 32 bit or 64 bit Multicore CPU or AMD equivalent
• 8GB RAM or more
• 1920 x 1080 x 24 bit graphics
• 5GB of free hard disc space (25GB if video installed)
• Either 1 x USB 2.0 port or 10/100 MB/s RJ45 connection
• Windows 10 or 11
• Mouse
• Sound card (optional)
• Internet access for updating purposes (optional)
• Printer (optional)
Software Updates
Make sure you are running the latest version software. All updates are free for the lifetime of your instrument.
Visit our Software Updates page
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I upgrade from Exponent Connect Lite to the full version?
Yes, you can easily upgrade at any time. Contact our sales team for details.
2. Is training available for new users?
We offer comprehensive training programs, both online and on-site, to ensure you get the most out of Exponent Connect. Find out more
3. How often is the software updated?
As our software is written in-house we release updates frequently. All updates are free for licensed users and available from our Software Downloads page.
Ready to elevate your texture analysis?
Experience the power of Exponent Connect for yourself. Contact us for a personalised demonstration or to discuss which version best suits your needs and see how Exponent Connect can transform your testing process.